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45676. arkymalarky - 10/18/2013 2:23:53 PM

when Mose was 21 and commuting to college from Hot Springs on a bad and dangerous road I couldn't cover her on my insurance anymore, so I went to get it from a private provider of BCBS, and she was denied. I had to go through a lot of hoops to get the reasons in writing, fearing she had something serious I wasn't aware of, and it turns out it was nothing. Allergies and acid reflux. That's what got her denied. I have very little patience with the whine about Obamavare now. Had we had it at that time she wouldn't have been dropped at 21 and then denied coverage.

45677. judithathome - 10/18/2013 7:42:31 PM

One of the saving graces (and there are MANY) of the ACA is the child is covered under the parents' policy until 26...this was to allow kids like Mose to be protected while going to school.

The ACA doesn't affect US but if it DID, I would certainly appreciate the existing conditions part of it.

I still don't understand how Jen can heap so much abuse on Obama when her situation was brought on by Rick Perry but there ya go....

45678. judithathome - 10/21/2013 7:47:15 PM

It's started...twice already this morning: talking heads referring to Hillary's health. One even tied in BILL'S health.

They're running scared...you'd think they would be more concerned with the threat of Ted Cruz.

45679. wabbit - 10/21/2013 9:55:29 PM

Did you see the 60 Minutes piece on Dick Cheney and his various heart interventions and recent transplant? I wonder where his health insurance comes from...

45680. arkymalarky - 10/21/2013 10:39:04 PM

Right now he and Rush Limbaugh are the only two that I'm this way about, but I tried to watch it and could not make myself. He's just loathesome to me.

45681. judithathome - 10/24/2013 5:57:50 AM

I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've heard a Republican claim the ACA is a disaster, train-wreck, communistic, failure of epic proportions, yada yada yada...the list is endless and would make me a rich woman in a month!

45682. Ms. No - 10/24/2013 4:58:20 PM

The website is a disaster and I'm imagining Obama would love to be able to torture and execute someone over that fiasco, but the program itself is the best we could do in the face of massive Republican opposition.

I heard a clip about a week ago or so --- during the shutdown, at any rate --- of a Democratic Senator pointing out that it is in the best interest of people who claim to hate government to run that government into the ground just so they can say "I told you so."

45683. arkymalarky - 10/24/2013 10:50:04 PM

funny, these same folks were near fascist when Bush was president. America, love it or leave it, our nation right or wrong, etcetera etcetera.

45684. Jenerator - 10/28/2013 10:53:45 PM

"Why don't you blame Rick Perry, Jen? He's the one who refused to participate fully in the ACA."

I didn't vote for Rick Perry.

Secondly. The insurance that I have right now is the equivalent of the 'platinum' level insurance offered in the ACA. If I were to try and keep that insurance, it would go up $1,200 A MONTH.

Now tell me that isn't ridiculous????

Not one of you would pay over a thousand dollars more willingly.

Obamacare is terrible legislation, period.

And I sincerely hope that any of you who voted for this piece of crap legislation get to enjoy it sooner rather than later.

"As if insurance rates have never gone up before the ACA. Really Jen."

Wombat - come on. right now my premium is $500 a month. There is no way I am going to pay $1,700 A MONTH to have a similar insurance plan. And I know you wouldn't, either.

The most my teacher insurance went up was 3% - PEANUTS compared to what it's going up in January.

Had Obama passed a law that got rid of pre-existing conditions, I would have supported that and championed it, but no.

My son's therapy stops in December. :(

45685. arkymalarky - 10/28/2013 11:02:25 PM

Before Obamacare Mose couldn't get it at any price. What you're referring to is not Obamacare. You can get the same more cheaply than that now. And in AR the ledge fixed our problem with a midnight session. Maybe TX teachers could use their pull for a similar result.

But then I keep forgetting: Texas is like a whole 'nother country.

45686. Trillium - 10/29/2013 11:08:21 PM

I'm hearing different stories about the ACA. Our insurance agent thinks that it will work, and that some people in my age bracket are getting much better rates than before. She gave an example of a family that is now saving $800 per month for a better insurance plan.

A cousin sends me links of discussions about ACA that claim the system will collapse because only the most desperate will sign on, and the healthier younger people will pay the penalty rather than sign up, because of the cost.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield is one of the groups that will serve most areas. I wonder if the other carriers will drop out and insurance will become single provider? Not government, but BCBS? Is BCBS the largest? It's the best known, I think.

I don't know. I do know that when the AIDS crisis went into full bloom around 1985, insurance rates skyrocketed, going up about 30% every 3 months for a year. I was paying close attention because my husband and I had just signed up for insurance because I had new babies and he had his own company. It's a huge expense.

My mother went without insurance for many years, during the decade before she was eligible for Medicare, because the cost was simply too high for an otherwise healthy person.

As a single person working for myself, before I had babies, I had avoided insurance for years before because the expense was higher than the return on the investment.

45687. Trillium - 10/29/2013 11:11:32 PM

Funny New Yorker satire on the ACA website:

Borowitz on ACA website

45688. judithathome - 10/30/2013 4:53:21 AM

Rand Paul lifts his speeches from Wikipedia...did it this week and has done it before earlier in the year.

Rand Paul: Truth Reader

45689. iiibbb - 10/30/2013 12:54:15 PM

Here is my gripe.

Before Obamacare, there was a push for a single-payer system. It was the brainchild of Republicans.

Obama picked up that ball.

Because the Republican's were more intent on Obama failing, than serving the public, they rejected their own idea in order to force a stinker idea they thought would lose.

It won.

Now they've spent all their time trying to repeal it.

Instead of just getting something that works in the first place.

So they're going to haw and haw about how this was such a horrible idea and it's all Obama's fault... but the root cause is they won't fucking work with people and they're more interested in themselves than the whole country.

45690. arkymalarky - 10/30/2013 1:23:13 PM

And they're sabotaging it, hurting people in their own states just to spite the president. If they ever do get back in power they'd better hope Dems don't use this playbook. I think they'd be derelict not to. I did enjoy watching the AR idiot get ripped a new one yesterday.

45691. Trillium - 10/30/2013 10:32:55 PM

The partisan hatred really concerns me. Not just because it is hateful, but because they don't teach Julius Caesar and Roman History much anymore -- and people tend not to think about the implications of "divide and conquer". Civil wars, even scaled-back versions of civil wars, are an incredibly weakening waste of time and resources.

It was a Spanish professor, a huge Castro fan, who explained the timing of the Civil Rights Act that was finally passed in the 1960s. At that time, discrimination against African American citizens was a flaming disgrace to everything America professes to value.

Johnson didn't decide to back the Civil Rights Act simply because he was sympathetic to African-Americans, or simply courageous. The Cubans were 90 miles off our Southern shores, ready to ship in subversives to raise justifiable hell over Civil Rights.

Johnson's decision cost the Democrat party dearly when they lost "The Solid South", but there was going to be solid trouble no matter which way they went, there was no avoiding the issue.

We need to talk about our principles more, and how we plan to get there -- not all this divisive undermining.

We need to start exercising some common sense. The insurance system we have is quite weird and not sustainable. We need to get together and find a way to change it so that it works. Massachusetts' system worked for Romney (didn't it?)

45692. judithathome - 10/30/2013 10:55:33 PM

Yes, it did...I think either 95% or 97% in Mass. have health care.

45693. Ms. No - 11/1/2013 12:49:30 AM

What's bizarre to me is how much of the current GOP rhetoric sounds like they're still campaigning against Obama.

The man won.


It's over.

He couldn't run again if he wanted to.

It's like they've all just lost their damn minds. They never should have let the Tea Party make the Kool-Aid for the convention.

45694. arkymalarky - 11/1/2013 1:14:49 AM

Ted Cruz and his dad are both nuts. Dominionists are a big concern to my mother. I think/hope they are what drives the Tea Party to complete irrelevance and enables the GOP to purge them and become a reasonable party.

45695. judithathome - 11/3/2013 9:58:41 PM

Your last sentence looks like it's in peril of not happening. It's more like the Republican party is driving itself into complete irrelevance and they left reasonableness behind the day Obama was sworn in as President.

The Tea Party didn't send Mitch McConnell out the day of the inauguration to tell his core group "We are going to do everything we can to make this man a one term President." He did that as Republican, not as a Tea Party suck up.

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