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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 46134 - 46153 out of 47372 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
46134. winstonsmith - 1/14/2016 2:40:23 AM

Yes, I also agree. Best president of my lifetime. Smart, honest, calm, pragmatic. No sex scandals. Has the nicest family. He is just the best.

46135. arkymalarky - 1/14/2016 4:46:02 AM

I love the way whatever Michelle Obama wears 10 of them people run out and get it.

46136. arkymalarky - 1/14/2016 4:46:35 AM

I love the way whatever Michelle Obama wears to an event people run out and get.

46137. arkymalarky - 1/14/2016 4:47:33 AM

I wonder if I'm just too old to learn to enunciate. Or to overcome my southern accent in voice to text.

46138. judithathome - 1/14/2016 7:56:07 PM

Hey...I understood it just fine...but then, I'm from the next state over....

46139. Ms. No - 1/15/2016 9:05:27 PM

I love how so much of what she wears to an event people CAN run out and buy because it's available to non-millionaires.

46140. iiibbb - 1/15/2016 10:56:08 PM

I'm so disgusted by the Republican party.

1) Trump appears to be their guy.
2) If not it's fucking Cruz.
3) There are now overtures of having a replacement for Obamacare (something I'd actually support)... why the fuck did they make us wait for 6 fucking years?

I actually have a longer list... but fuck them.

46141. Ms. No - 1/16/2016 3:35:01 AM

"why the fuck did they make us wait for 6 fucking years? "

Because they're hoping to win, and if they do, they are realizing that they can't just stomp their feet and say "No!" anymore. They'll have to actually DO something or they'll lose their seats.

Notice that they say they have a plan, but nobody's actually seen it.

46142. judithathome - 1/17/2016 11:13:48 PM

Notice that they say they have a plan, but nobody's actually seen it.

That's because they don't actually HAVE one!

46143. Ms. No - 1/18/2016 7:18:18 AM

God, I love you, Judith! I could almost hear you say that. ;-)

46144. judithathome - 1/18/2016 10:28:11 PM

Well, you could...when are you coming this way for a visit?

(We have a new bottle of Tuaca!)

46145. Ms. No - 1/19/2016 9:04:53 AM

Oh, Lordy, I don't know. My folks are moving to Jersey City for my step-dad's job. I'm not certain yet about whether I can make the Summer Gathering, but I certainly want to!

46146. judithathome - 1/19/2016 9:59:37 PM

Well, any time you want to come to the Gathering, fly into D/FW a day early and we'll all go together from here...you can stay here before and after and we'll feed you very well! ;-)

46147. arkymalarky - 1/20/2016 1:56:06 AM

I'd love to see you and wabbit both make it this year! I'd like to see the full Mote Gathering contingency together at least once before we start rolling off one by one.

46148. arkymalarky - 1/20/2016 2:03:54 AM

My ears are bleeding.

46149. arkymalarky - 1/20/2016 2:27:59 AM

I think I just watched the shark jumped. At least I hope so. My ears can't take ten months of Palin campaigning for Trump. What a dead crowd.

46150. iiibbb - 1/20/2016 6:17:26 PM

He's Presbyterian... it was predestined.

46151. arkymalarky - 1/20/2016 7:54:03 PM


46152. judithathome - 1/21/2016 10:55:32 PM

I know Sarah Palin is the lowest of the low when it comes to slandering others but her jab at President Obama being responsible for her son's alleged PTSD causing his arrest...which she blithely ignored in favor of shilling for Trump in Iowa the day after it happened....she needs to be called out big-time.

This woman has enough money to put her son in a facility and have him treated privately for something like that...if indeed he has it....where other mothers do not have that option. And if government treatment is not avaiable for all, it takes a Congress to change that....not just a President and one party.

And I know of NO mother who would leave her "ailing" son in the hands of authorities and leave the state....just to get face time on TV, to get her fix for public adulation fed.

46153. arkymalarky - 1/22/2016 1:09:09 AM

I guess by extension, Bristol's Problems were caused by Planned Parenthood.

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