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46200. arkymalarky - 2/14/2016 1:05:28 AM

Oh, I see posted already.

46201. arkymalarky - 2/14/2016 1:08:11 AM

It wasn't a practice unique to her. And nothing was categorized as secret at the time it was sent. Retroactively categotizing this stuff is muddying the waters.

46202. Ms. No - 2/14/2016 1:33:43 AM

If only there were time for Obama to get a nomination through.

46203. arkymalarky - 2/14/2016 3:01:22 AM

It Would be the longest delay yet, and Obama is brilliant. If the gop tries to stonewall and president trump selects it will be a nightmare of their own making. They aren't getting a nominee for pres they can Control. Rubio killed that for them.

46204. robertjayb - 2/14/2016 8:22:27 PM

excellent tweet...

Antonin Scalia requested cremation in his will, but millions of women will meet tomorrow to discuss if that’s really best for his body.

46205. arkymalarky - 2/14/2016 8:39:17 PM

Onion headline: Justice Scalia died after a thirty year battle with social progress.

46206. judithathome - 2/15/2016 12:35:23 AM

Elizabeth Warren teaches the repubs about the Constitution

Senator Warren said in a statement, "Senator McConnell is right that the American people should have a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court justice. In fact, they did - when President Obama won the 2012 election by five million votes."

After Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced that he would lead Republicans in obstructing President Obama yet again, this time by leading his party to abdicate their Constitutional duties, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reminded McConnell that President Obama’s will is the will of the people and that he won by five million votes.

Then Warren proceeded to remind McConnell about that thing Republicans are always claiming to worship – the Constitution, specifically Article II, “Article II Section 2 of the Constitution says the President of the United States nominates justices to the Supreme Court, with the advice and consent of the Senate.”

Wait for it…

“I can’t find a clause that says ‘…except when there’s a year left in the term of a Democratic President.'”

Yet again, republicans are cherry picking from the Constitution, or in this case, making up lies, just as they do with the Bible.

(Thanks to my Aussie friend, Striker Davies, who posted this on my forum...)

46207. Trillium - 2/15/2016 2:47:12 AM

For many people, there is a credibility problem with "five million" voters from either party. At some point nothing is convincing or believable, over too many ethical violations.

Following link is a Republican voter fraud example from Texas. Would Democrats do this? Maybe you don't think so. But...

Jade Stanford allegation of ballot screwup
ES&S acknowledges computer malfunction

46208. arkymalarky - 2/15/2016 6:44:42 AM

Who are these many people? Inquiring minds want to know.

46209. arkymalarky - 2/15/2016 6:46:40 AM

I noticed they were also concerned about Hillary's emails. They seem a very nervous bunch.

46210. arkymalarky - 2/15/2016 6:53:52 AM

First they came for the Religious Right, but I said nothing because I didn't like Falwell either. Then they came for the birthers, but I said nothing because anything to keep Trump out of the White House, then they came for the Freepers....

46211. iiibbb - 2/15/2016 6:35:02 PM

They also came for some of the Mormon recently... but the Mormons were armed and at least one had a death wish.

46212. judithathome - 2/16/2016 1:01:48 AM

So Trump is hinting he may go Independent if the Republicans don't treat him "fairly"....hello, Ralph Nadar time!

46213. Trillium - 2/16/2016 7:55:56 AM

Mormons appear to be highly active, politically

Reid tells BYU crowd that socially responsible Dems mirror Mormon values
By Sheena McFarland
The Salt Lake Tribune
Published October 9, 2007 1:41 pm

"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told Brigham Young University students...'My faith and political beliefs are deeply intertwined. I am a Democrat because I am a Mormon, not in spite of it,' he told a gathering of over 4,000 at the Marriott Center.

"But Nevada's senior senator says he also hopes votes for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are "determined by his political stands, and not his religion."

46214. Ms. No - 2/19/2016 12:00:48 AM

I would LOVE for Trump to go Independent -- it would split the Radical Right and almost assure a Democratic win.

Of course, I also wish Bernie would come to his senses and start looking at being Clinton's VP.

I say have Bernie as VP to guard against the eleventy-million ridiculous attempts there would be to remove Hillary Clinton from office. There's no point in trying to impeach Clinton if the VP is equally despised by the Radicals.

46215. arkymalarky - 2/19/2016 6:30:23 AM

Haha! True! I could handle all this a lot better if the Gop weren't such pathetically sore losers. They absolutely cannot accept it.

46216. Ms. No - 2/19/2016 6:00:40 PM

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting to get different results.

The problem is that they get some really loud, minority traction from being hateful and telling lies that ignorant, fearful, angry people want to hear. So, the more they pay to hear and encourage those voices and broadcast those voices, the more they believe that those voices are the vast majority of Americans clamoring out for the good old days of publicly celebrated racism, bigotry, and faith-based bullying.

With this crop of candidates, they've doubled down on the crazy. I just hope they won't manage to buy the country out from under the vast majority of moderates, but a billion-plus dollars goes a long way.

46217. judithathome - 2/19/2016 9:54:40 PM

It would help a LOT if Dems bothered to vote in Congressional elections!

46218. Ms. No - 2/20/2016 5:18:08 PM

True dat.

46219. robertjayb - 2/23/2016 10:37:05 PM

Think Ted Cruz is a bit too much? Listen to Pop.

Here's the story, according to Rafael Cruz:

My son Ted and his family spent six months in prayer seeking God's will for this decision. But the day the final green light came on, the whole family was together. It was a Sunday. We were all at his church, First Baptist Church in Houston, including his senior staff. After the church service, we all gathered at the pastor's office. We were on our knees for two hours seeking God's will. At the end of that time, a word came through his wife, Heidi. And the word came, just saying, "Seek God's face, not God's hand." And I'll tell you, it was as if there was a cloud of the holy spirit filling that place. Some of us were weeping, and Ted just looked up and said, "Lord, here am I, use me. I surrender to you, whatever you want." And he felt that was a green light to move forward.

(Mother Jones)

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