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46999. arkymalarky - 3/26/2017 8:09:46 PM

And it's perfectly acceptable for students to start at younger than 18, at Technical Training or at college. In Arkansas we all for concurrent credit so that you get high school and college credit for a single class. A lot of our kids go into college as sophomores, and stans nephew went in as a junior by the time he got credit for the courses he had taken and all the AP tests he passed. What's missing is the technical training for kids who are not going to college. And that's a lot more problematic because of the reasons I described the other day.

47000. arkymalarky - 3/26/2017 8:10:34 PM

All four = offer

47001. wabbit - 3/26/2017 10:02:58 PM

POTUS would like everyone to watch Justice Janine on that most non-partisan of all news stations, Fox News. Anyone who is willing to shift blame away from him is on his team, as least temporarily. Hard to take him seriously.

One of our states reps, Stephen Lynch, was saying that the House was expected to vote for the Ryan ACA Repeal/Replace law without it even being written down. He added that Obama could just about recite the ACA and Trump doesn't seem to have a basic grasp of the Ryan proposal, but regardless, the ACA was in writing so all could read and see what was being proposed. The "replacement" was not only not in writing, it was under minute by minute revision, and Reps were still expected to vote in favor.

Lynch also said that the ACA took Congress off the dole and put them on the ACA plan. He then started whining that his health care insurance went up by $4000/year. Reps make what, $138K/year? His office will be getting a polite bitchslap call from me this week.

47002. arkymalarky - 3/27/2017 12:57:41 AM

Good for you! I got reminded with all of this that democracy is not a spectator sport, and that it's actually kind of fun to be involved in it. I got so involved a few years ago that it quit being fun and I was just worn out, but just participating like every regular citizen should is really enjoyable. And a good added social element with people who having the same goals and principles I do.

47003. arkymalarky - 3/27/2017 3:59:59 AM

Haha! Just got the millennial earlier today and didn't even notice it! I guess we're all getting old.

47004. robertjayb - 3/27/2017 6:32:08 PM

Good for Bernie...

Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday he planned to introduce a single-payer health care plan to Congress, inviting Republican leaders to negotiate the measure.
“I'm going to introduce a Medicare-for-all single-payer program," Sanders told anchor Dana Bash on CNN's "State of the Union."

47005. judithathome - 3/27/2017 7:52:51 PM

Well, like Paul Ryan said...it's
i hard
becoming the ruling party....don't expect them to offer any help with something sensible.

47006. Ms. No - 3/27/2017 8:43:07 PM

The Republicans are finding that it's one thing to bitch and complain about how other people run things and an entirely different beast to have to run them yourself.

It's like throwing a loud-mouth, beer-guzzling couch-potato onto the starting lineup for the SuperBowl.

47007. judithathome - 3/27/2017 10:31:42 PM

It's EXACTLY like that!!

47008. Trillium - 3/28/2017 12:15:48 AM

Bernie Sanders is asking for single payer, but it will need to be different from what happened in Vermont when he advocated for single-payer there. (Basically, it didn't turn into single-payer; there were all sorts of complications).

People need to be discussing what has to happen to make an expansion of Medicare workable.

2014/Politico: Why Single Payer Died in Vermont
l2015 Boston Globe: Costs Derail Vermont Single Payer Health Plan
2016 Daily Beast: Bernie Sanders' Single Payer Health Plan Failed in Vermont

I was enormously relieved when my spouse finally got into Medicare, but it requires supplemental insurance to actually cover all his issues.

Medicare for All won't be a panacea. There will be holes. But people should discuss where those holes are going to exist, and agree to disagree on the imperfections.

Both Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Humana have withdrawn from the major metropolitan areas of Tennessee and are no longer available. Also, ACA would cost me more than I earn in a month, right now. Every year enormous amounts of time and effort are wasted in trying to figure out the latest changes in medical insurance.

I'd prefer my insurance were "portable", individual, not tied to any workplace -- but that costs a fortune.

47009. Ms. No - 3/28/2017 2:05:24 AM

Yes -- but it shouldn't. It doesn't in other countries with less than a 5th of our wealth. We already pay more as a percentage of our GDP than any other industrialized nation and we get less.

I think if we stopped having insurance tied to employment we'd get a lot more movement on this.

I also think that if the folks on capitol hill had to make due with the smallest/cheapest plan available for themselves and their families, we'd see quicker and better action on healthcare reform.

There's no excuse for not having universal coverage. We're going to pay for it one way or another -- whether it's through exorbitant costs for emergency medicine for the indigent, or the toll of having a sicker population overall. People need to check their ideological high-horses at the door and quit acting like healthcare is something you ought to earn the privilege to.

47010. arkymalarky - 3/28/2017 2:33:37 AM

Amen! The determination of the richest people in the world to Target our country to monetize, privatize and corporatize is killing us and quickly reducing us to the least successful industrialized country on the planet. Medicare works if it's paid for based on ability to pay and fair taxes.

47011. judithathome - 3/28/2017 3:33:01 AM

We have Medicare and TriCare, the retired military health care...we don't even have to pay co-pays. And we never mention to anyone how little it costs us because we're embarrassed to...of course, after over 30+ years in the military, I think Keoni earned it.

Plus we stay very healthy...he sees the doc once a year for a checkup and the doc says he's healthier than most 30 year olds. Me, I go more often but I had many CT scans this past year and never paid a cent in co-pays and have never received a bill of any sort. Not saying I won't eventually but haven't yet.

47012. iiibbb - 3/30/2017 4:42:17 AM

Politics is still driving me crazy... hi

47013. Ms. No - 3/30/2017 5:13:11 AM

Yeah -- me too, and I hate that I just. can't. quit. watching.

I had to delete the news feed on my phone because I was like a rat with a heroin dripper with the damn thing.

I've been trying to do more art -- taking a painting class. Drawing in a bullet journal. Unfortunately, I have constant access to a computer screen and I spend way too much time following down the rabbit-hole of lunacy.

47014. judithathome - 3/31/2017 4:57:02 PM

Anyone listen to that guy who testified yesterday in the Senate Committee hearing on Russian involvement in our country's politics? His name is Clint Watt and what he had to say was chilling....Testimony

47015. robertjayb - 3/31/2017 8:01:09 PM

I'm no fan of Charles Krauthammer but his current column concerning prospects for single-payer health care is encouraging.

He writes that a broad national consensus is developing that health care is a right and that we might be heading inexorably to a government run single-payer system.


47016. judithathome - 4/3/2017 10:33:02 PM

Is this the column you were referring to? Link

47017. robertjayb - 4/4/2017 4:43:06 AM

Thanks, Judith.

This is a column about Krauthammer's column and it has the main points of the original, including my too-often repeated assertion that Obama's effort is at least an important baby step toward a sensible system. We seem fated to bear out Churchill's observation on Americans doing the right thing after first trying everything else.

47018. judithathome - 4/4/2017 7:45:50 PM

fated to bear out Churchill's observation on Americans doing the right thing after first trying everything else.

Well, he certainly was prophetic about THIS President...can you imagine if Trump had to meet and match wits with Churchill...???

I don't think it's a stretch to know which would be the umarmed opponent.

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