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47086. Trillium - 7/26/2017 1:34:16 AM

Because many of our schools stopped teaching geography, there are more than a few people who are confused about the difference between "Ukraine" and "Russia". Plus, the languages and landscape are very similar.

Until the early 1990s the two conflicting countries shared the same government. AND it is the Democrat leadership, whose emails were "leaked" but withheld from the FBI, who hired the Crowdstrike computer firm, (including Crowdstrike's staff of Ukrainian/Russian-speaking background). What the hell was going on there?

Do you ever wonder? (Probably not, you're focused on Trump, as directed by your moron leadership)

47087. Trillium - 7/26/2017 1:35:21 AM

Plus the Pakistani Awan family, who were given access to all manner of congressional intelligence, and are now under investigation. What the hell was that all about, anyway? Have you ever wondered? (Probably not)

Why has our national government been handed over to foreign thieves and mafiosi, for decades? Were the moron leaders afraid of being accused of "xenophobia" until Trump laughed in your face? Or -- were they hopeless paid-off greedheads? or both? I'm talking both Republicans and Democrats. Disgusting sedition, at every turn. No wonder people are fed up.

47088. arkymalarky - 7/26/2017 1:43:23 AM

Hahaha! I just love the tinny high-pitched sound of an a-r snowflake's plucked nerve.

By the way, sedition in Trillium's usage is failing to support white is right in any and all cases.

47089. arkymalarky - 7/28/2017 3:01:23 PM

I called John McCain's office and said God bless him to the voice nail in the middle of the night last night.

47090. Trillium - 7/30/2017 8:42:45 PM

Trillium's usage of sedition is the same as Merriam-Webster's. If the shoe fits, wear it.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

47091. Trillium - 7/30/2017 8:57:02 PM

In Arky's alt-reality, race is tremendously important.

In the 1960s when Arky was still young and able to learn a few things. For example, Arky learned how to be fashionable by *reversing* her hard-wired racism. It was too challenging for her to give up racism altogether, as yet another discredited relic of an earlier century.

47092. Trillium - 7/30/2017 9:00:31 PM

Pitifully, Arky's on board with those who cheered the North Korean imprisonment and abuse-to-death of student Warmbier (because the hapless student, now-deceased, was "white"!) For shame, Arky.

Slate on Warmbier

The implications of China's 2016 snub to former President Obama totally escaped Arky and her Party Faithful.

Guardian 2016: Obama Forced to Exit from "Ass" of airplane

It isn't just police authority that has been degraded in the past decade. Academic and media authority have also been called into question. Not that you'd notice what's going on around you, and where this direction will logically lead

47093. arkymalarky - 7/31/2017 2:53:15 AM

BP meds finally kicm in enough for you to tap a keyboard?

We just parted with our dear South Korean friend after a 2.5 month visit. You really need to make at least a minimal effort to restrain your hostility toward Other.

47094. wabbit - 8/6/2017 9:20:44 PM

If anyone is wondering what the POTUS is doing right now, he's watching Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! and thinking he would have been so much more Presidential than Mark Cuban.

Wait for the tweets...

47095. Ms. No - 8/11/2017 7:28:11 PM


Needed a good laugh this morning, thanks!

47096. arkymalarky - 8/12/2017 5:38:18 AM

Pundit the other day said that when it's raining they need to give him Elmer's glue and construction paper.

47097. arkymalarky - 8/14/2017 10:51:29 PM

Just popped in to hear the "Trill" of crickets. Which is what I knew I would hear if I popped in.

47098. wabbit - 8/19/2017 10:00:34 PM

Props to the Boston Police Department, the MBTA Police and the MA State Police. They did a commendable job today.

To those few agitators hiding among the counter protesters, throwing crap at the police and trying to instigate a problem so your side would have something to blame on the counter protesters, what's your problem? Too cowardly to go stand with your comrades? Not brave enough to wear your Cheeto hats? What a surprise.

Speaking of Cheeto, your true colors are out there for anyone without Trump branded sunglasses on to see. You aren't pulling out of the Kennedy Center Honors “to allow the honorees to celebrate without any political distraction,” you don't have a tiny bone in your body that understands, nevermind appreciates, anything to do with the arts or culture. You stand for whatever puts money in your pocket. Maybe Tina Fey is right, those Confederate statues would come down in a heartbeat if you could put up a cheesy overpriced condo building. You are small in every way, especially small in mind and heart. You represent no one but yourself. You are the real loser.

47099. arkymalarky - 8/19/2017 11:02:29 PM

Amen! I came in here because I knew you'd have the skinny on today's events. And you are so right. But all I think of when I think of them now is the Weeping Nazi. So sad.;->

47100. wabbit - 8/19/2017 11:27:20 PM

Next week I'm having lunch with cousins who were there today. I would have been with them if I could walk for more than half a mile without my hips giving out.

I cannot believe anyone who has two brain cells and can rub them together and get a small spark voted for the poor excuse we have as POTUS. What an embarrassment he is to this country and to any thinking people. And I'm especially disappointed in anyone without a Y chromosome who voted for the sexist pig. Clearly they don't get they he could not care less about them unless they are gorgeous, under 35 and willing so give him a blow job. Of course, maybe it's just that I've heard stories about how he conducts business first-hand, about how the "Trump Tax" works in NY and NJ, and how no real business leaders in NY take him seriously. He is veneer, nothing more.

47101. wabbit - 8/19/2017 11:31:11 PM

Poor, poor Chris Cantwell, boo fucking hoo.

47102. wabbit - 8/20/2017 1:09:27 PM

While I'm at it, if you have to wear a mask to hide your identity, you aren't there to make a point, you're there being a jerk.

Those people in Antifa can kiss my ass too. Anarchy isn't the answer, it leads to the bullies being able to take over, and isn't that what the KKK and Nazis want too? Your tactics are the same as the people you claim to be against. Turn your brains on and grow up.

47103. arkymalarky - 8/20/2017 4:33:02 PM

I'm always suspicious of whose side people like that are really on. Like literally.

Anonymity has a role in political action, especially writing, and sometimes is required to keep from getting killed or at least becoming a political prisoner, but if you're out marching for something and especially if you're out causing Mayhem, your masking is indicative of your intent.

Which reminds me, how Despicable it is of the doj to try to get that provider to turn over the identities of 1.3 million visitors to a website they host? Of course they're trying to get everything about how we vote as well, so maybe we're just getting our first glimpses of what's coming.

47104. arkymalarky - 8/20/2017 4:36:28 PM

And is funny for those people who went without masks and Charlottesville to see them suddenly be embarrassed about their actions. See, guys, you wear a mask when you don't want consequences of your behavior. You don't wear a mask when you are ready to deal with whatever comes your way as a result of your behavior. As per wabbit's link above.

And these snowflakes are trying to complain they're being doxxed. Somebody needs to explain to them what doxxing is as well. Being in a public March and being identified is not being doxxed.

47105. Ms. No - 8/20/2017 5:09:13 PM

Love. This. Guy.

Trae Crowder: Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

Going to get tickets to the WellRED comedy tour today. I kno nothing about the two other guys, but I'm very excited to see TC live.

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