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47241. arkymalarky - 5/22/2019 6:17:06 AM

I call out liars. Don't like it, don't lie.

47242. arkymalarky - 5/22/2019 6:27:24 AM

"I know what I will want for *myself* when the time comes (morphine if it's needed), but I would not be comfortable with terminating somebody else's preemie as part of my job."

That's the most disgusting lie I've ever read in this site in the 15 plus years I've been here. Even from you. How you sleep at night I really don't know. Hanging upside down, I'm sure.

47243. Ms. No - 5/22/2019 7:04:56 PM

92% of abortions take place before 13 weeks of gestation. Nobody is aborting healthy, viable, preemies.

The folks who keep saying that women are aborting their healthy babies days or even minutes before delivery are lying in order to whip up outrage. No doctor is performing abortions on healthy babies in the 8th and 9th month of pregnancy.

They also aren't standing over a crying dismembered fetus while it gasps for air in its death throes after an abortion performed in the 14th week of pregnancy.

The constant rhetoric about the cruelty, the irresponsibility, or the just plain slutty selfishness of women speaks to the true motives of the pro-birth movement.


47244. arkymalarky - 5/22/2019 9:31:37 PM

Russian and white supremacist trolls have started pushing lies of this sort to get people to mistreat their children or to strongly believe other people are mistreating them in order to sow more chaos among ignorant white Americans. Pizzagate type shit. The more it looks like they might lose in 2020 the more desperate their Tactics get. It's instructive how much dangerous misinformation regarding American children has come from that sordid little corner of the web.

47245. wabbit - 5/22/2019 10:04:13 PM

Trillium, it isn't a matter of disagreement about being pro-choice or anti-choice, although I suppose that's the easy assumption on your part. I would like you to find a doctor in this country who would be willing to perform the procedure you described as having happened to your high school classmate on a healthy, viable unborn child. At least provide some sort of proof other than your opinion, or anyone else's opinion, as to what the Democrats want. Or was that *not* the implication in your post?

47246. Trillium - 5/22/2019 11:51:54 PM

wabbit, you don't seem to believe that a medical professional would perform an abortion on a viable infant; but 24 weeks is in that range, especially with advances of care.

Following link has photos of a five-month preemie, Fontaine Dickey. Take a look. It's not a venerable newspaper, but the photos are the point:

Fontaine Dickey at birth, 1 lb 13 oz

47247. Trillium - 5/23/2019 12:00:21 AM

Ms. No, if you take a look in the Pence Medical Ethics textbook, you'll find a description of a very late term abortion that became controversial.

I don't have the book anymore, but IIRC the controversy involved a teaching hospital in Boston, in the 1970s, with a healthy baby born alive and then euthanized.

47248. Trillium - 5/23/2019 12:00:47 AM

In the 1990s in New York City, there was the case of Dr. Abu Hayat.

Abu Hayat/Rodriguez baby

47249. arkymalarky - 5/23/2019 1:37:12 AM

Slithers right past your quote from her, for which you requested a cite, Wabbit, saying Democrats support "full term abortion."

47250. arkymalarky - 5/23/2019 1:38:34 AM

And if you want to wait for her to lament the babies abused and neglected to their deaths at the hands of our government at the border, you going to wait a long time.

47251. Ms. No - 5/23/2019 6:16:59 PM


Your exceptions - most of which are more than 20 years old and one of which is more than 45 years old - just go to prove my point that no doctor is performing abortions on healthy, viable babies in the 8th and 9th month of pregnancy.

In fact, no doctor who isn't a criminal is performing abortions on healthy perhaps-going-to-be-viable fetuses after 6 months. 24 weeks is the legal cut-off.

I'm also wondering if you actually read the chapter in Pence's book on Abortion. The verdict in the Edelin case was unanimously overturned and the initial case is widely recognized to have been a political stunt targeting Dr. Edelin as a black doctor, performing an abortion at 20 weeks under the relatively new Roe verdict.

Prosecuted by a famously Catholic DA who was running for office, Edelin was initially convicted by an all-white, predominantly male, Catholic jury. He was a test case, a shot across the bow of Roe v. Wade, and the Supreme Court ruling overwhelmingly supported him on his appeal.

47252. arkymalarky - 5/23/2019 6:47:08 PM

Wish we had a like button on this site.♡

47253. arkymalarky - 5/23/2019 6:47:44 PM

Cool! The heart on my keypad showed up!

47254. Ms. No - 5/23/2019 10:07:19 PM

Ooh! How'd you do that?

47255. arkymalarky - 5/24/2019 1:01:56 AM

That's neat I didn't know if anybody else would be able to see it. It's on my Samsung phone keyboard

47256. wabbit - 5/24/2019 5:13:02 PM

Thank you Ms. No, you've said what I would have.

Did I ever mention here at some time in the past that Dr. Edelin was my first OBGyn doctor? tmi follows: at 16 my mother was freaked out that I hadn't started having a period yet. Dr. Edelin was at the Chelsea Naval Hospital and she took me to see him. I was perfectly fine, just thin and athletic and these days we know that can lead to very light or non-existent menstruation in women. It certainly did for me, for many years. I always felt lucky. I found Dr. Edelin to be a soft spoken and thoughtful man. He passed away a few years ago.

Testing a wingding I and a webding ö

47257. Ms. No - 5/24/2019 5:27:15 PM

Wow! Small world --- that's very cool.

47258. arkymalarky - 5/27/2019 4:39:38 AM

You two are amazing.

47259. winstonsmith - 9/12/2019 1:16:28 AM

QUESTION: If Biden were to win the primary, should he choose Warren for VP in the hopes of forming a "Unity" ticket. (left + Establishment) I ask my teenage son (who is very politically savvy) if young people will turn out for Biden and he says No! I ask if they would turn out for Sanders and he says Yes! History seems to show that young people can't be counted on to show up generally, but in an election like this, even a few precent more young people might make the difference. I ask my son if young people would show up for Warren and he says yes so I ask if they would show up if Warren were VP on a ticket with Biden and he says maybe. So, my question is, would Biden/Warren constitute a unity ticket that would bring out both left wing and establishment voters? Of course, it could end up that Warren will win the primary and I don't know if legally Biden could run for VP again. (and the dynamics of a Warren VP pick seem pretty different anyway)

47260. wabbit - 9/13/2019 1:13:10 AM

Interesting. A year ago I thought Warren was unelectable.

btw, Happy (belated) Birthday to the Mote, I think it was 20 years ago yesterday we went live.

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