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42228. concerned - 2/26/2012 12:52:51 AM

"Anyone notice the Republicans haven't been making as much noise about gun rights since some nut came after one of their own?"

Is the overall ratio of firearms offenses between Democrats and Republicans closer to 10:1 or 100:1? Why can't Democrats understand that owning a gun doesn't include a right to threaten and shoot other people with it.

42229. arkymalarky - 2/26/2012 1:53:12 AM

Oh how I have missed you, Conn'd!

Admit it. The GOP pres candidates are depressin (or hilarious if you're me).

42230. arkymalarky - 2/26/2012 2:01:31 AM

Who's your pick of the litter? Newt?

42231. concerned - 2/26/2012 2:17:36 AM

Hi, Arky -

I've actually missed you guys. I just assumed that the Mote disappeared by now like most sites have from the '90's, but I was in that kind of mood - let's just type it in and see if I remember my login and 'voila'.

A couple of weeks ago, I google'd a girl I had a crush on in grade school. Her name was Doris Dodge and she left the school I attended to tour with Jack Benny as a violinist.

So......45 years go by and I said 'what the hey' what happened to Doris Dodge, so a little Google searching and got some hits. It turns out that she entered and won some sort of beauty contest around 1974, got married and kind of dropped off the internet after that.

As far as Newt goes, more than any other individual, he deserves most of the credit for balancing the Federal budget in the '90's, as well as spearheading other reforms that increased prosperity for the next 20 years.

Personality - wise, Gingrich IMO shares a couple of the same personality faults as 0bama does, a high self regard, but to a lesser extent and for better reasons. To Lefties, this characteristic makes 0bama more of a 'rock star', but is an object of derision in the case of Newt. It personally think voting for a 'rock star' 'parent figure' or 'boyfriend' figure is a degradation of the electoral process, but that's all good with Lefties, apparently, since that's the highest criteria many of them seem to have.

I can't say that I've 'picked' any single candidate. I'm interested in what is good for the future of the US, and I don't care about skin color or political litmus tests.

42232. concerned - 2/26/2012 2:19:05 AM

I personally....

42233. concerned - 2/26/2012 2:25:37 AM

How about Dave Mustaine of Megadeth endorsing Santorum? That's got to leave a mark. But then Mustaine is smarter than the average metal guitar shredder. Now I see Lefties whining: 'So THAT's why Metallica kicked him out!'

42234. thoughtful - 2/26/2012 2:41:32 AM

Let's see what happened to jobs under bush v obama....

42235. thoughtful - 2/26/2012 2:42:28 AM

Welcome back, C...nice to have someone to argue with!

42236. concerned - 2/26/2012 2:50:20 AM

Intellectual dishonesty on display - the omitted timeline begins circa 2007 when Democrats were doing their housing dirty work - all of this the fault of Left Wingers.

Even 'thoughtful' couldn't defend the 5 million or so people that have given up looking for work since 2008 thanks to wrongheaded Keynesianism.

If they were included the real unemployment rate would be about 12%. Jimmy Carter was thrown out of office for far less.

42237. concerned - 2/26/2012 2:51:00 AM

Hi, thoughtful - Likewise - may be limited engagement for me....

42238. concerned - 2/26/2012 3:03:43 AM

Up until 2007, the economy had gained 4-5 million jobs under Bush. But the Democrats have proved they can take a wrecking ball to anything. That's nothing to vote for, IMO.

42239. concerned - 2/26/2012 3:08:07 AM

Then we have Nancy Pelosi also known as 'swamp thing' when she ruled the HoR. She endorses Van Jones, a self described 'Communist Revolutionary' as the future of the Democrat Party.

Do Mote Lefties even care how extreme their party's politics are becoming? I doubt it. It doesn't really make a lot of difference if they are in denial or being wilfully ignorant.

If JFK were alive today, he would be a Republican. All the pandering trash the Democrat Party has thrown against the presidential wall since then has been worse than worthless. US poverty is now higher than at the beginning of the Great Society and Democrats can only blame themselves for that.

42240. concerned - 2/26/2012 3:17:16 AM

Committed 'progressives' see no need for their politics if society is doing too well, as Stalin admitted - therefore 'progressives' consider it a necessary condition that society be held in a perpetual state of crisis and economic dependency on a 'blameless' government. Sound like something that has been happening in the US over the last 3-4 years? Welcome to Big Brother, Motiers. Want more of the same in 2012? Sure sounds like it.

42241. concerned - 2/26/2012 3:20:15 AM

Btw, the same Lefties that were railing at 4.5% unemployment under Republicans as recently as 4 years ago are now calling 8-10% 'the new normal'. Throw all these corrupt hypocritical bastards out if you care about our future.

42242. concerned - 2/26/2012 3:37:52 AM

Btw, the same Lefties that were railing at 4.5% unemployment under Republicans as recently as 4 years ago are now calling 8-10% 'the new normal'. Throw all these corrupt hypocritical bastards out if you care about our future.

42243. arkymalarky - 2/26/2012 5:37:04 AM

Ha! I knew you were a fan of newt! You sure are amazing, I must say. You dove right back without missing a beat! I love it and hope you stick around!

42244. concerned - 2/26/2012 8:31:33 AM

I wouldn't say I was exactly a fan. I appreciate his strengths, but I am not afraid to say he is less than perfect. Reality has a hold on me, probably something to do with my being an electrical engineer. I have to be as realistic as possible with my circuit designs - there's no faking it when you are designing to industry leading standards, which I am still doing at age 56 - I don't have the option of blaming someone else for my own incompetence and dereliction of duty, unlike some singularly incompetent politicians I could name who are STILL blaming George Bush for current-day problems, over three years after Bush is out of office. By any rational standard, that is a confession of utter incompetence.

I wish you could understand that, to me, it's not partisan politics that's important - it's refusing to allow my self to be turned around by the bullshit artists who are most usually the most worthless and conscienceless individuals in their positions. Of course they are 'sincere' sounding - they have spent their whole professional careers, if not their whole lives misleading others, taking credit and avoiding responsibility. It's probably a point of perverse pride for 0bama that only a few months after the deficit spending crisis he orchestrated which resulted in the formation of the House Budget Committee, 0bama recently asked for a debt ceiling increase of an additional $1.2 Trillion Dollars. This from the junior Senator who blasted a very much smaller debt ceiling increase in 2006 in a speech on the Senate floor. 0bama clearly has utter contempt for his supporters, as do Senate Democrats who have broken the law for three years running now by refusing to create a budget. Pretty bad stuff, that YOU don't care about but that I will never get used to.

42245. iiibbb - 2/26/2012 4:08:40 PM

Concerned... this post will likely be incoherent because I'm avoiding pulling the plug of a decade of frustrtation with conservatives.... Politicians are all BS artists. Half the R candidates have a major social agenda veiled by their complete oversimplification of the economy, or the smoke-and-mirrors BS about foreign policy (why are they saying we should be involved in Syria, but thought Obama botched Lybia).

They're still questioning Obama's citizenship and religious beliefs. Still talking about socialism (which is complete hyperbole)

This is not a party that serious about anything except repealing Roe-v-wade.

I certainly can't believe they're talking about the economy.

The first party that gets serious about taxing micro-trades at the stock market (a monopolistic market average people have no way to benefit and destabilizes our economy)... that's when I'll believe a party is serious about changing things.

42246. iiibbb - 2/26/2012 4:11:04 PM

Conservatives' stated political goal is to have this President "fail". That was it. That's the same as wanting this country to fail. The republicans rejected the guy that was elected by the people.

That party is lost in the wilderness right now. All I see is a zombie that mimics conservatism, but when you look at it - it's just a buch of zombies.

42247. arkymalarky - 2/26/2012 7:07:02 PM

You got it *to a T* 3i.

Conn'd, my husband said to tell you he's certain he could mess up something in your engineering job so badly that even you couldn't fix it. GWB didn't do it alone, but it's a lot easier to mess anything up than to fix it. Ask any two year old.

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