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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 42248 - 42267 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
42248. thoughtful - 2/26/2012 7:33:30 PM

Do Mote Lefties even care how extreme their party's politics are becoming? I doubt it. It doesn't really make a lot of difference if they are in denial or being willfully ignorant.

If JFK were alive today, he would be a Republican. All the pandering trash the Democrat Party has thrown against the presidential wall since then has been worse than worthless. US poverty is now higher than at the beginning of the Great Society and Democrats can only blame themselves for that.

Do GOPers even care how extreme their party's politics are becoming? I doubt it. It doesn't really make a lot of difference if they are in denial or being wilfully ignorant.

If Ronald Reagan were alive today, he would be a Democrat. All the pandering trash the Republican Party has thrown against the presidential wall since then has been worse than worthless. US poverty is now higher than at the beginning of the Great Society and Republicans can only blame themselves for that.

42249. thoughtful - 2/26/2012 7:45:22 PM

...singularly incompetent politicians I could name who are STILL blaming George Bush for current-day problems, over three years after Bush is out of office.

Funny how the gopers had no problem giving credit for the clinton economic boom, to Reaganomics more than a decade earlier.

Let's not forget that there were significant regulatory changes made under the Bush Admin that were directly responsible for the economic meltdown....the biggest being the elimination of caps on leverage in 2004. Those have never been replaced. You can blame both dems and reps on that one.

Let's not forget that the Federal Reserve bank Chair has been a republican for the last 25 years.

Let's not forget the obstructionist role that the GOPers have played in Congress ever since Obama took over including reducing the size of the stimulus package which kept the economy from rebounding as it should have, which would have created more jobs. Also the obstructionist role it's played in the budget...the "crisis" can't be addressed without recognizing that Bush passed both the largest tax cut ever and added the largest entitlement program since Nixon...by preventing passing tax increase legislation that would actually have a shot at bringing Mitt Romney's and Dick Cheney's effective income tax rate somewhere close to mine.

42250. Wombat - 2/27/2012 12:09:48 AM

If Nixon were alive today he'd be a Socialist.

I thought that after the election Concerned had been taken by a black helicopter to a reeducation camp by Obama's North Korean puppetmasters. Apparently not. His arguments are almost parodies of the Republican candidates'; they are so slavish and cliche.

42251. Wombat - 2/27/2012 12:16:29 AM

And Mustaine has walked back his endorsement...

42252. iiibbb - 2/27/2012 12:23:58 AM


How can a party that produces Santorum be taken seriously?

Today he said he did not believe in the separation of church and state.

Really? These are the guys that are supposed to be most like the libertarians?

42253. iiibbb - 2/27/2012 1:51:38 AM

Republican base belief system.

You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all On their own!

You have to believe that wars are good so long as the rich make money out of them.

You have to believe that tax cuts for the wealthiest creates jobs and subsidies to job exporters are vital for Americas future.

You have to be against government programs, but expect your Social Security checks on time.

You have to believe that government should stay out of people's lives, yet

You want government to regulate only same-gender marriages, what a woman does with her uterus, and what your official language should be.

You have to believe that pollution is OK so long as it makes a profit.

You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don't pray to Allah or Buddha!

You have to believe that only your own teenagers are virgins and hetero.

You have to believe that a woman cannot be trusted with decisions about her own body, but that large multi-national corporation should have no Regulation or interference whatsoever!

You love Jesus and Jesus loves you and, by the way, Jesus shares your disdain of LGBT’s and Obama!

You have to believe that society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesn't diminish your opportunities, but you wouldn't vote for a Black president!

You have to believe it is wise to keep contraceptives out of schools, because we all know if teenagers don't have access they won't get pregnant.

You have to believe that the ACLU is bad because they defend the Constitution, while the NRA is good because they defend the Constitution.

42254. concerned - 2/27/2012 5:28:12 AM

Re. 42253 -

iiibbb - you know and I know that 'Republicans' do not support any of what you posted here.

Thanks for the chuckle at your parody attempt.

42255. concerned - 2/27/2012 5:29:30 AM

Do GOPers even care how extreme their party's politics are becoming?

What are you referring to? Extreme as in balancing the budget and practicing fiscal responsibility?

42256. concerned - 2/27/2012 5:30:49 AM

And Mustaine has walked back his endorsement...

If you call supporting 'Anybody but 0bama' 'walking back'.

42257. concerned - 2/27/2012 5:37:17 AM

None of you apparently give a fuck if the United States descends into insolvency a la Greece due to reckless Democrat fiscal irresponsibility.

I really thought Mote regulars were a little smarter than that. This is just more proof you can lead a Lefty to reality but you can't make him or her think.

Why don't any of you sneaking enablers of fiscal irresponsibility 'man up' and defend the Senate failing to propose a Federal budget as required by law during the last three years? If you can't defend it, why support it?

Reagan today would not be a Democrat - his aphorisms were directed at exactly the aberrant beliefs and behavior that are more prominent than ever among Democrats now.

42258. concerned - 2/27/2012 5:49:21 AM

To say Clinton deserves 'credit' for any budget surpluses ignores that he only signed into law budgets that were wholly created by a Republican Congress - as a matter of fact, Clinton's only input to any of these budgets boosted spending (typical Democrat) which increased deficits or diminished surpluses - to give him credit for what Republicans accomplished is getting it exactly wrong. But nothing better can be expected of a doctrinaire Lefty like Ms. Two Year Old Tantrum Word.

42259. concerned - 2/27/2012 6:00:49 AM

iiibbb -

You know, of course, that the majority of the middle class through business class vote Republican. The uber rich and poor are preponderantly Democrat as are elitists in general. When you oppose Republican policy you are effectively opposing the middle class. Just keep that in mind when you distort and parody Conservatism.

42260. concerned - 2/27/2012 6:08:22 AM

The Democrat Party today is all about entitlements and corruption. As a matter of fact, without cronyism, 'pay to play' and corruption you couldn't have socialism.

42261. thoughtful - 2/27/2012 6:31:33 AM

GOP is no longer conservative meaning resistant to change. In fact they are less conservative than liberals. Consider:

. Paul wants to eliminate the federal reserve
. Sanatorum wants to eliminate contraception
. Perry believes TX can secede from the US
. Gingrich wants to be able to call judges before congress who make rulings he disagrees with, fundamentally changing the balance of power among the three branches
. Bachman wants to reinstitute McCarthyism by calling for members of congress to be investigated to see if they are pro or anti American

Heck even W proposed no less than 7 constiitutional amendments.

Those are not conservative ideas or proposals. And they are all certainly more radical than anything Obama has proposed.

42262. thoughtful - 2/27/2012 6:33:19 AM

Oh I forgot Cain's electrified fence to kill illegal immigrants...

42263. concerned - 2/27/2012 6:45:27 AM

The Democrat Party today is all about entitlements and corruption. As a matter of fact, without cronyism, 'pay to play' and corruption you couldn't have socialism.

42264. thoughtful - 2/27/2012 6:48:32 AM

I don't know what country you are talking about, C, but in America, the president creates and submits a budget to congress which they then tweak in each house and then conference and then return to the pres to pass or veto. The process begins with the president and the difference between the president's and congress' version are very small.

The big brouhaha over the presidents 2012 budget and the GOP threat to shut the government down was about $61B out of $3.7 trillion in spending...extremely small indeed.

42265. concerned - 2/27/2012 6:53:13 AM

thoughtful -

Few if any of these positions are actually held by any of these candidates. Here is how you arrive at such statements: For instance, Santorum does not believe that the government should force the Catholic Church to offer health insurance that includes abortion and contraception, therefore you say that Santorum 'wants to eliminate all contraception'.

All of your other assertions regarding the GOP candidates are equally false or misleading.

42266. thoughtful - 2/27/2012 6:54:02 AM

I agree with you about corruption in the political system, but to suggest it is something that only dems fall victim to is nonsense. If you want to call yourself a realist, then you need to open your eyes and get real about the GOP and see it for what it is...

42267. concerned - 2/27/2012 6:58:32 AM

Re. 42264 -

Wrong on all counts, at least while Clinton was president. The budgets that Clinton signed were only peripherally related to anything he proposed, and were actually created by the Republican Congress.

And Congress cannot 'shut the government down' in the way you assert. In every case, the 'shutdowns' were directly due to Clinton refusing to sign a budget he was presented with. No reasonable person will accept that the responsibility is other than the president's for any shutdown in such a scenario. You can believe whatever wrongful thing you want about the matter, of course, however thoughtless.

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