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44605. concerned - 10/5/2012 9:58:07 PM

To Lefties who still want to vote for 0bama - if you still are so anxious to pay 7 times or more of a tax increase than you need to, and want a full blown recession that badly, please, please please let me sell you stuff too. I'll only mark it up by 500%, not 700%!

44606. thoughtful - 10/6/2012 2:00:21 AM

No way, con'd. Just because he refuses to specify which deductions he will eliminate doesn't mean that his plan doesn't call for the elimination of the mortgage deduction. The math says that that will have to be one of the eliminations in order to keep it revenue neutral. So either he is not going to keep it revenue neutral or he's going to cut the home mortgage deduction. He can't have it both ways. So either way, he's lying.

And the ultra rich do NOT benefit from the home mortgage deduction as they typically don't have mortgages. They pay cash for their homes as they can afford to. Do you really think Linda MacMahon is carrying 6 mortgages on her 6 homes???

Romney vow to lower middle class taxes at odds with cap

Note the above article is not from some radical left wing joint...it is from Business Week.

I'll try to look and see what went wrong with the other link.....

44607. thoughtful - 10/6/2012 2:01:42 AM

I just tried and both links worked for me...

44608. judithathome - 10/6/2012 7:59:42 PM

Sorry, I just jumped ahead to answer this: No, they don't. Romney repeatedly said that the voucher system would only be an option.

An option which, if enough people take, will leave MediCare broken and it will die of attrition very quickly.

I'm certain this won't affect you because obviously, being so critical of the program, YOU will never use it but I do and I like it...I also pay for supplemental insurance and have a pre-existing condition. But if I didn't have the extra insurance, Romney would kick me to the curb because his plan doesn't cover pre-existing conditions....dispite what the imposter at the debate the other night claimed.

44609. judithathome - 10/6/2012 8:04:09 PM


Clearly you have been watching FOX too long...you and the Romney campaign (and I consider FOX part of that campaign)jump on the least little thing and deliberately turn it into a meme...he didn't mean no one should BE successful...he meant the part about EN-TITLE-MENT. Rather, success needs to be earned.

You know, like you and your ilk demand of the 47%.

44610. concerned - 10/7/2012 4:41:55 AM

You want a good laugh? Look at the way the 0bama administration is trying out one excuse after another for why 0bama did so poorly in the debate. First, they insisted that he actually did very well. When that didn't flush, Plouffe accused Romney of lying. When nobody bought that steaming pile of excrement, they then claimed the air was too thin in Denver to allow 0bama to think. After that one was laughed away, they are now blaming John Kerry for not adequately preparing 0bama.

That's four, count them, four different excuses so far from this pathetic crowd.

44611. thoughtful - 10/7/2012 3:52:31 PM

Frankly I think part of it was Obama simply wasn't prepared for the extent to which Romney lied. I'm beginning to believe they are taking a page out of Goebbels book about telling a big enough lie often enough....

44612. judithathome - 10/8/2012 4:21:48 PM

And why should Obama have given openings to Romney? Clearly Romney had prepared answers to the 47% question (and others)...he brought it up himself the next day in an agreed-upon interview.

His handlers had to come in and correct some of his statements the next day...even that night right after the debate!...so if it wasn't lying, it was at best disingenuous and at worst a deliberate ploy to impress the largest audience he had had to date.

THAT Mitt Romney was no more the real thing than Obama was...

44613. concerned - 10/9/2012 7:38:53 AM

Re. 44611 -

Care to describe any Romney 'lie'?

I didn't think so.

44614. concerned - 10/9/2012 7:41:10 AM

I personally think we saw both the real Romney *and* the real 0bama in the first debate. Bet 0bama is 'wired' for the second - not necessarily on the million dollars of weed Maher accused him of in the first.

44615. concerned - 10/9/2012 7:45:33 AM

'thoughtful' - the 0bama camp gave up on claiming Romney was lying about them - and if there was a chance in hell he was, they would have stayed with that line.

Basically, 0bama was lying about Romney and Romney was telling the truth about 0bama during the first debate. Looking forward to more 0bama truthing during the remaining two presidential debates, with the possibility that 0bama will go off the deep end during at least one of them.

44616. concerned - 10/9/2012 7:48:18 AM

In fact, I would like to see Romney confront 0bama with the fact that 0bama himself claimed to be born in Kenya his whole life until 2007, and to ask him why anybody should trust such a liar.

44617. concerned - 10/9/2012 7:56:53 AM

More than 500 economists, 5 Nobel Laureates back Romney's economic plan

And who backs 0bama's economic plan? A few grade school schoolteachers and Commie shit stirrers, maybe. I don't even see whackjob Paul Krugman coming out for 0bama here.
The cockroaches are staying in the woodwork this time. 0bama: big time economic fail.

'thoughtful' - gonna double down on proven failure here?

44618. concerned - 10/9/2012 8:03:34 AM

Oh, a bunch a Eurocrats back 0bama's economic plan. The reason? They don't want to be left in the USA's economic dust like they were for 6 decades after WWII.

44619. concerned - 10/9/2012 8:25:28 AM

Obama.com Owned by Bundler in Shanghai with Business Ties to Chinese Government


the Obama.com website is not owned by the president’s campaign but rather by Obama bundler Robert Roche, a U.S. citizen living in Shanghai, China. Roche is the chairman of a Chinese infomercial company, Acorn International, with ties to state-controlled banks that allow it to “gain revenue through credit card transactions with Chinese banks.”

There’s more.

The unusual Obama.com website redirects traffic directly to a donation page on the Obama campaign’s official website, my.barackobama.com, which does not require donors to enter their credit card security code (known as the CVV code), thereby increasing the likelihood of foreign or fraudulent donations. The website is managed by a small web development firm, Wicked Global, in Maine. One of Wicked Global’s employees, Greg Dorr, lists on his LinkedIn page his additional employment with Peace Action Maine and Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights. According to the GAI report, 68 percent of all Internet traffic to Obama.com comes from foreign visitors.

And still more.

In 2011, Mr. Roche obtained one of the most sought-after pieces of real estate in Washington, DC: a seat at the head table for President Obama’s State Dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao. How Roche—a man whose infomercial company hawks fitness equipment, cell phones, and breast enhancement products—landed a seat alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton, Sen. John Kerry, former President Jimmy Carter, and Chinese President Hu Jintao remains unclear.

Since 2009, White House Visitor Logs list the name Robert Roche at least 19 times, despite the fact Mr. Roche’s primary residence is in China.

Mr. Roche, who is originally from Chicago, is a co-chair of the Technology Initiative for the Obama campaign.

You can imagine how impressed I am by this, and not favorably - this put me in mind of the 100 DNC employees and Clinton donors who left the country in the '90's rather than answer questions by a Special prosecutor. You Lefties are really a scurvy bunch, when you get down to it.

44620. concerned - 10/9/2012 8:29:43 AM

And I hear the vast majority of recent funds collected by the 0bama campaign are not 'traceable' to the donors - perhaps because they are the Chinese government?

44621. concerned - 10/9/2012 8:30:32 AM

The Democrat Party - always pushing shit.

44622. concerned - 10/9/2012 8:33:58 AM

This poster unfortunately probably has it about right:

China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Venezuela are not part of the undecided 6%; and Obama is $180 million richer for it. From Beijing to Caracas there is not a single available gift credit card since Team Obama made contributions from enemies of America his primary funding source.

A nation without a functioning Justice Department or Congressional Oversight Committee with a pair, is like a vault without a lock: anything goes, including the nation.

Any informed person voting Obama at this point is an enemy of America. Sadly, most of Obamao support is mob induced hysteria and ABCCBSNBC fabricated misinformation.

44623. judithathome - 10/9/2012 8:49:41 AM

Basically, 0bama was lying about Romney and Romney was telling the truth about 0bama during the first debate.

Okay, them why were Romney's handlers scrambling around after the debates correcting Romney's lies themselves...hmmmmm? Why was Fehrnstrom backtracking on the "pre-existing conditions" thing before Romney and his brood even left the stage?

44624. thoughtful - 10/9/2012 3:21:36 PM

Romney Lies quickly and facilely.

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