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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 44625 - 44644 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
44625. concerned - 10/10/2012 4:46:02 AM

Re. 44623 -

Romney's pre-existing condition plan appears to require continuous insurance coverage. Where was the 'backtracking'?

44626. concerned - 10/10/2012 4:55:02 AM

Not telling what loopholes he would close doesn't constitute lying. Neither does expecting a resurgent economy to make up for the revenues of a tax rate cut. In fact that is exactly what happened in the 1920's, 1960's, 1980's and in the first decade of this century. Only someone divorced from economic reality, as well as the simple idea one cannot be called a liar for having a different prediction of the future than someone else, would preemptively call Mitt Romney a liar here.

44627. concerned - 10/10/2012 4:58:45 AM

Here's something interesting. 0bama walked away from his first debate believing he had beaten Romney. I hope his handlers aren't trying too hard to change his mind on this. After all, he *is* 'The One' and he is simply too cerebral for ordinary mortals to comprehend his thought processes. 0bama sleepwalking through the last two debates is exactly what the country needs. Oh, and more Big Bird campaign ads. That's the ticket, Democrats.

44628. concerned - 10/10/2012 5:02:37 AM

Let's say Romney is elected and puts his tax plan through. The economy improves and the deficit decreases as predicted.

Here's the question for Lefties. Would Romney still be liar now, but not a liar in the future if this happened? Or does this question throw you into total cognitive dissonance?

44629. concerned - 10/10/2012 5:05:58 AM

Btw, PBS only gets about 30% of its funding from the Federal Government and it started out and operated for years with none at all.

Looks like we won't be having Big Bird for dinner next Thanksgiving after all, contrary to 0bama and his crew.

44630. concerned - 10/10/2012 5:18:57 AM

Speaking of liars, 0bama alternately claimed he was Kenyan or Indonesian royalty when he attended US schools

What have we done? This delusional incompetent (and glib liar) is US president.

44631. concerned - 10/10/2012 5:32:30 AM

The AP released an awkward appearing photograph of Romney preparing to pose with schoolchildren. I guess the takeaway is that Romney is supposed to walk like a duck around little people so they can't get a good look at his midsection. Stay classy, AP!

44632. concerned - 10/10/2012 5:43:24 AM

I wish 0bama *was* Kenyan or Indonesian royalty, or maybe both, LOL.

44633. concerned - 10/10/2012 5:43:59 AM

0bama - selling bullshit his whole life.

44634. concerned - 10/10/2012 7:24:22 AM

Some of 0bama's friends discuss Mitt Romney via Twitter:

RT @sistertoldjah: @SecretService RT @iAmBenjisLady: If Romney wins Ima Shoot his ass Its Gonna Be another JFK insident
8 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Todd Kincannon@ToddKincannon
cc: @SecretService MT @Haunter_: Romney is trying to ban tampons. Omg. I'm not even kidding, someone go with me so we can shoot him dead.
8 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Todd Kincannon@ToddKincannon
cc: @SecretService @TwitchyTeam RT @ana_escobar12: RT @DamDaisy_xo: If i could i would murder mitt romney #idgaf #hatethatwhiteracistfuck
8 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Todd Kincannon@ToddKincannon
cc: @SecretService @TwitchyTeam RT @SteadyBankin: I'll shoot mitt romney & both of his knee caps & smack his ass with the BuRner til he die
8 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Life $tyle.@LiftedBoy_
I crash that fucking airplane that that faggot nigga Romney, stab Mrs. Romney in her GOD DAMN esophagus. & won’t stop until the cops come in
6 Oct 12
Todd Kincannon@ToddKincannon
cc: @SecretService @TwitchyTeam RT @Teddy_NikeBoy: Just want yal ta know...if Romney win we still gone be cool....CUZ IM A SNIPE HIS ASS!!
8 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Todd Kincannon@ToddKincannon
cc: @SecretService @TwitchyTeam RT @JCBaltodano: If Romney wins the elections I will start a national riot to kill his ass!
8 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Todd Kincannon@ToddKincannon
cc: @SecretService @TwitchyTeam RT @Sober_Liven: I just wanna assassinate Romney... I hate him.
8 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Lines of Coke@Cocoa_9mm
Romney need his white ass kneecaps blown off black ppl ain‘t the problem it’s lazy rich mufuckas like him who never scrubbed a pot before!!!
3 Oct 12
Todd Kincannon@ToddKincannon
cc: @SecretService @TwitchyTeam RT @12Mil_: omfg, somebody snipe Mitt..
8 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Then there was this repulsive tweet about Ann Romney:

Todd Kincannon@ToddKincannon
cc: @SecretService @TwitchyTeam RT @TedKnife: I want to rape the #ProlapsedAnus of Ann #Romney

44635. concerned - 10/10/2012 7:33:15 AM

While 0bama is trying to give Romney the Big Bird, will he drag Elmo into it also? Sesame Workshop does *not* approve that ad.

44636. concerned - 10/10/2012 7:58:51 AM

History of US assassination attempts - note political orientation of assassins:

Andrew Jackson – shot at by Richard Lawrence (Suspected Democrat plot, no proof.)
Abraham Lincoln – 3 attempts – Democrats, Baltimore, 1861; Democrat confederates, Aug, 1864, Shot at from ambush; shot dead by J.W. Booth, Democrat, April, 1865
James A. Garfield – shot and killed by Charles J. Guiteau, utopian communalist. (modern progressive)
William McKinley – shot and killed by Leon Czolgosz, Far left Socialist.
Theodore Roosevelt - shot, wounded, by John F. Schrank, Anti third term motive.
Franklin D. Roosevelt – Shot at by Giuseppi Zangara, Marxist. Hit and killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.
Harry S. Truman – attacked by Oscar Collazo, Griselio Torreslo, Leftist revolutionaries who wanted a Socialist Puerto Rico.
John F. Kennedy – shot by Lee H. Oswald, Communist.
Richard Nixon - Samuel Byck thought Nixon was oppressing the poor, attempted airplane hijack to crash into White House, killed at least two people.
Gerald Ford - attacked by Lynette Fromme, Anarchist; shot at by Sara Brady, progressive Socialist.

44637. concerned - 10/10/2012 7:59:26 AM

These are presidential assassinations and attempts - sorry.

44638. concerned - 10/10/2012 8:19:55 AM

So, how about 0bama's 'There is no God but Allah' (in Arabic) ring that he has been wearing for the last 30 years?

Don't think they'd let Reverend Wright preach over there.

44639. thoughtful - 10/10/2012 3:09:12 PM

Romney lies. Period. The lie is in the math. The lie is in the intention. And far more than your enjoyment of trying to create lies out of irrelevancies (you do know that there is no religious test in this country to hold office, don't you?) Romney's lies are far more serious as they are about policy choices that will drastically affect the country. And rather than "conservative" choices, he is proposing radical rearrangement of the relationship between citizens and their government.

First off, a 20% tax cut that is revenue neutral isn't a tax cut at all. Period.

The math says you can't take $5 trillion out of the system by cutting taxes and then add it back with a totally different distributional impact and say the middle class won't be hurt by it when they are responsible for so much of income taxes paid. Over 87% of taxes are paid by people earning $66k and up (2009 data). Nearly 98% of income taxes paid are paid by those earning $34,000 and up. So where else is that money coming from? The poor who don't pay income taxes??? The corporations whose taxes will also be cut??? It doesn't add up, so it is a lie.

Predictions can be lies. If I make a prediction that tomorrow I will show up at concerned's house with a dinner of turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes, when I know I have absolutely no intention of doing so, it's a lie. Especially if I know that my true intent is to put the bill for my turkey dinner on his credit card, it's a double lie.

Here's a perfect example of how the lie is in the math.

Romney: “I want high income people to continue to pay the same share they do today.”

Romney: “I want to make sure people understand, despite what the Democrats said at their convention, I am not reducing taxes on high-income taxpayers.”

Romney: “I start off with a very fundamental principle, which is we want to reduce the burden on middle-income taxpayers, and we’re not going to provide a tax break to high-income taxpayers.”

If you cut taxes and want the rich to pay the same share that they do today, they will get a tax cut.

If you are not reducing tax levels on high-income taxpayers, but you are cutting everyone else's taxes, then the high-income taxpayers will pay a higher share of taxes.

There is no way around it....mathematically both can't be true.

And the penulitimate test of the lie....why do you suppose so many wealthy people support romney's plan? Is it because they think they will be able to create more jobs for all these poor unemployed people? Or is it because they are salivating at maintaining/decreasing their extremely low marginal tax rates...

Finally the ultimate test of the lie....which overseas tax shelters that he currently employs personally did romney say he was going to eliminate? Did he say he's going to change the tax policy that allows his hedge fund earnings to be taxed at the very favorable capital gains rate now?

44640. Wombat - 10/10/2012 3:26:45 PM

Guiteau was a Republican activist who made speeches on behalf of Garfield during the campaign and expected a plum foreign post as a result (note, he was seriously deluded, if not clinically insane). Guiteau had become such a pest that Secretary of State Blaine (who was with Garfield when Guiteau shot him) had given orders to physically remove Guiteau from the State Department if he showed up asking about a job.

And Spin-boy well knows that 19th Century Democrats bear far more resemblance to post-southern strategy Republicans than to contemporary Democrats.

44641. thoughtful - 10/10/2012 4:22:24 PM

Wombat, good points, but I have no idea what con'd's point is on posting that. Is it that republicans are authoritarians who so marginalize so many in the populace (perhaps 47%?) that some radicals feel a need to lash out violently in response?

But the larger issue is, so what? How is that relevant to the stark contrast in policy proposals of the 2 candidates for next president?

44642. concerned - 10/10/2012 7:05:19 PM

First off, a 20% tax cut that is revenue neutral isn't a tax cut at all. Period.

If you cut taxes and want the rich to pay the same share that they do today, they will get a tax cut.

Regarding the first excerpt. It certainly can be and has been, repeatedly. You are deliberately ignoring the four examples I gave previously where tax rate cuts resulted in increased revenue.

Regarding the second excerpt: Incorrect. What the 'rich' would get is a tax *rate* cut, not a tax cut per se.

Your arguments so far in justification of calling Romney a 'liar', are fatally flawed, 'thoughtful'. In the future, it might be wise not to ignore the differences between 'tax rate cuts' and 'revenue' by conflating them into a single term: 'tax cut'. It doesn't work logically.

44643. concerned - 10/10/2012 8:06:32 PM

Re. 44641 -

Romney basically has retracted/apologized for that comment. It struck me as being rather unfeeling, although I think I understand the point he was trying to make.

44644. concerned - 10/10/2012 8:46:53 PM

Not saying I agree with it totally, thought. Most of that 47% don't want to be (so) dependent on Uncle Scam.

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