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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 44996 - 45015 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
44996. concerned - 11/6/2012 5:42:52 PM

Good thing for the Democrat Party there isn't a 'Truth in Advertising' law for politics, or they might have to rename themselves the 'Entitlements and Corruption Party'.

44997. concerned - 11/6/2012 5:46:42 PM

Conc'd we're talking percentages... Did the 2000 people on the rolls actually vote? Or are they just registered.

There's no justifiable reason for keeping in place a broken process that requires having to ask that question, because nobody could possibly effectively control such an out of control registration process except by purging ineligible voters.

That's the only responsible, fair, and practicable way to handle the situation, period. And if you weren't certain that the problem was only benefitting Democrats, you would be a poll purging fanatic yourself.

44998. concerned - 11/6/2012 5:48:51 PM

A couple days ago, the MSM was trumpeting a *single* woman that was found trying to vote Republican at two different voting locations. This is how I know if your ox was being gored, you'd be out there on the street with the torches and pitchforks crowd yourself howling for vote roll purging.

44999. concerned - 11/6/2012 5:51:17 PM

And screaming how corrupt and worthless Republicans are.

Think on this. The same applies in reverse.

45000. concerned - 11/6/2012 5:54:03 PM

I hope if there are any state level recount scenarios after this election, the Republicans out do Gore and the Democrats in 2000.

45001. iiibbb - 11/6/2012 5:54:56 PM

Concerned, I'm more "concerned" about this than I am about names on a roll. Names on a roll are not equal to a vote for Romney... but apparently a vote for Obama equals a vote for Romney.

45002. concerned - 11/6/2012 5:55:30 PM

Well, maybe not. Republicans naturally respect laws more than Gore and Democrats do.

45003. iiibbb - 11/6/2012 5:56:18 PM

... you are so full of turds with that post after my video ...

45004. concerned - 11/6/2012 5:56:25 PM

RE. 45001 -

Can't see the video from where I am. Context or another cite, please.

45005. concerned - 11/6/2012 5:56:53 PM

Re. 45003 -

See my 45004 and retract.

45006. iiibbb - 11/6/2012 5:58:15 PM

The context is that there is a video of someone making their vote on an electronic voting machine. They press "Obama" and the check mark goes next to "Romney"... they do this 3 or 4 times checking and unchecking "Romney" by pressing "Obama".

Why would a voting machine do this?

45007. concerned - 11/6/2012 6:02:00 PM

I've seen numerous reports of exactly the opposite with these machines in Ohio.

The explanation by the voting machine operators in these instances is that they required 'calibration' which does seem a bit questionable.

I haven't jumped to any conclusions of intentional fraud here - at least not yet.

45008. concerned - 11/6/2012 6:03:59 PM

And the Black Panthers are back at Philly voting sites 'monitoring' elections (e.g. intimidating voters).

45009. iiibbb - 11/6/2012 6:05:55 PM

This kind of thing shouldn't even be _possible_.

Why all ballots are not serial numbered scan-trons I'll never know. Automatic paper trail. Repeatable. Verifiable. Virtually anyone in the world can do one.

45010. robertjayb - 11/6/2012 6:09:14 PM

Pissed at Mitt?

Chrysler is giving the entire workforce the day off to vote.

45011. concerned - 11/6/2012 6:11:48 PM

This is real time for you, iiibbb. Are you ok with this or will you activate your conscience and protest it?

Philly GOP: Poll inspectors being ousted for Dems


Court-appointed Republican poll inspectors are being forcibly removed from voting stations in some Philadelphia wards and replaced in some cases by Democratic inspectors and even members of the Black Panthers, according to GOP officials.

Secrets just received this memo from GOP officials:

The Philadelphia GOP is reporting that court appointed Minority (read GOP) Inspectors are being thrown out of polling locations in several Wards.

These Inspectors are election officials - again, court appointed -- and are reportedly being thrown out by the Head Judges of Elections (these Judges are elected Democrats) and being replaced by Democrats.

This has happened at the following locations:

Ward 32, Div 13

Ward 43, Div 14

Ward 56, Div 1

Ward 56, Div 22

Ward 32, Div 28

Ward 32, Div 28

Ward 12, Div 17

Ward 39, Div 1

Ward 24, Div 9

Ward 18, Div 25

Ward 43, Div 14

Ward 29, Div 18

Ward 65, Div 19

Ward 20, Div 1

Ward 6, Div 11

Another official told Secrets: "one of our female inspectors was physically thrown out."

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney decided at the last minute to make stops in Pennsylvania, believing that the race there was close enough that he could win.

I think the Philadelphia police should intervene and ensure that the court appointed GOP observers are allowed to do their job.

You for or against that, iiibbb?

45012. concerned - 11/6/2012 6:12:34 PM

Any of you from the Left not fine with what Democrats are doing in Philly here?

45013. concerned - 11/6/2012 6:13:44 PM

Don't tell me that Democrat vote fraud is not a problem.

45014. concerned - 11/6/2012 6:14:30 PM

Forget the Philadelphia police - the Pennsylvania state police should restore order at these polling locations.

45015. robertjayb - 11/6/2012 6:31:20 PM

Don't like Nate? How about Shamans?

LIMA — Using maracas, coca leaves and a hallucinogenic brew, shamans in Peru got down to business Monday using pre-Columbian traditional ceremonies to pick a winner in the US presidential race.

“The apus (gods of the hills in indigenous mythology) tell us (Barack) Obama will be reelected,” predicted Juan Osco, known as the Shaman of the Andes on San Cristobal hill overlooking Lima.

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