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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 45123 - 45142 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
45123. concerned - 11/7/2012 7:00:18 AM

Even when I was a kid, when I thought I had the advantage of somebody, I almost never tried to humiliate him or her with it. Geeze.

45124. thoughtful - 11/7/2012 7:03:11 AM

Hahaha....romney refusing to concede OH! Clearly they realize their only hope is to turn the election over to the supreme court! Fat chance!!

Concerned, there is nothing vitriolic about calling romney a liar because it is true. Of course, the gopers can't recognize the truth when it hits them over the head...or when it does hit them over the head, they immediately scream conspiracy.

Such losers.

45125. concerned - 11/7/2012 7:04:20 AM

The bright side (it is not much of one, compared to what could have been) is that 0bama and his clown circus of an administration will give me plenty to criticize.

Maybe Lefties here can vote to repeal the 22nd Amendment and 0bama can be president for life, just like FDr.

45126. thoughtful - 11/7/2012 7:05:15 AM

Yes, concerned, goodbye std of living....goodbye to the wealthy getting the biggest free ride since before the income tax and hello to a return to those things that will help rebuild the middle class.

45127. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 7:07:54 AM

My wife and I will enter the year both employed. Her prospects are especially good, and my job is working out pretty well.

I'm in a better position than I was 4 years ago... that's for sure. In spite of federal cuts to research in my array of fields.

45128. concerned - 11/7/2012 7:08:39 AM

Re. 45124 -

What Romney is being called a 'liar' about are events that might or might not occur in the future based on certain economic assumptions regarding policy ideas he has. Nobody else is called a 'liar' on that basis. There is no consistency or reason for calling him a 'liar' on that basis. It's just a pretty stupid throwaway insult - don't know why any thoughtful well intentioned adult would endorse it.

45129. concerned - 11/7/2012 7:09:49 AM

Re. 45127 -

Good for you. I can say the same personally, but that's not what's important. What about the workforce as a whole, for which that is not the case?

45130. judithathome - 11/7/2012 7:11:12 AM

Jesus, I can't believe the whining from Con'd....after all the steaming piles of BS he has heaped on this forum and the way he has ridiculed anyone, everyone who is of a different political persuasion than he is...for him to come in here crying foul and acting like he is being wronged by what AMERICA has decided...it is to laugh!!

Tune into FOX and watch your hero Karl Rove aka Turd Blossom bleat about how unfair it is to live in a country where money can't buy you love! Or the Presidency!!!

45131. concerned - 11/7/2012 7:12:41 AM

IAC, the US electorate should prepare for years of needless suffering. Their voluntary choice.

45132. arkymalarky - 11/7/2012 7:13:43 AM

Yeah, but Con'ds, you've regressed considerably since then.

45133. concerned - 11/7/2012 7:17:49 AM


What was 0bama spending during the campaign? Not money? Pretending you're a pocket sized Godzilla stomping on a Republican Tokyo sort of doesn't impress very much, somehow.

45134. concerned - 11/7/2012 7:20:00 AM

Post American century - we're well on our way now, thanks to 0bama and Democrat voters.

45135. concerned - 11/7/2012 7:21:44 AM

I seem to be the only one exhibiting any concern here for anybody besides him or herself.

45136. judithathome - 11/7/2012 7:21:59 AM

Con'd, I sincerely hope you refuse to go on Social Security and MediCare...I hope you refuse to take advantage of the Affordable Helathcare Act and I hope you don't know any young people who can now pay for their college educations without paying banks enormouse heaps of interest...and I hope you don't have any gay friends that you have to explain to the reasons you think they are inferior and don't deserve the same rights you have....

I hope you are satisfied that you gave this election your best shot even thopugh you lost...it doesn't mean the end of the world, you know...better luck in four years.

45137. judithathome - 11/7/2012 7:22:58 AM


45138. winstonsmith - 11/7/2012 7:24:12 AM

Congratulations to Barack Obama!

Both Obama and Romney worked so hard on this campaign.

45139. judithathome - 11/7/2012 7:30:04 AM

Romney is late in conceding because he wrote an acceptance speech and that was it...he had no plans whatsoever to concede.

Arrogance to the nth degree.

45140. judithathome - 11/7/2012 7:32:29 AM

So...what's up with Bachman?

45141. judithathome - 11/7/2012 7:38:58 AM

Hey, Arks...congrats on Colorado passing the pot amendment!

And Joe Walsh was beat like a drum!

45142. thoughtful - 11/7/2012 7:39:28 AM

Just stop it, con'd. Romney lied before the debates, during the debates, and now even after the debates, running up to the election:

Romney has taken out radio and TV ads that insinuate the bailout prompted Chrysler, which received billions of federal dollars, “to build Jeeps in China.” Chrysler has vigorously disputed that any production is shifting from North America to China. The automaker says any additional work in China is related to demand for cars that would be sold in China.

And such hubris...apparently the reason why romney isn't conceding yet is they never wrote a concession speech! Apparently they were so confident they could buy the election, that they simply forgot about the will of the people. I guess even Diebold couldn't pull this one off.

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