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46220. iiibbb - 2/23/2016 11:02:13 PM

Well... hopefully the Lord uses him as an example.

46221. winstonsmith - 2/24/2016 5:29:07 AM

"Seek Gods Face, not Gods hand" - WTF, I feel like the poor Axis radio operators in WWII who were stymied by Native American code talkers. It's gibberish to me.

46222. Ms. No - 2/24/2016 5:38:32 PM

I'm guessing, but I think it means act in a way that will please God, don't wait for God to act for you.

46223. winstonsmith - 2/24/2016 7:14:43 PM

I suppose that's right. It just seems like undignified and disingenuous pandering to me and yet there must be voters that are tuned into that station and buying it.

"Lord, here am I, use me. I surrender to you, whatever you want."

It sounds like he is waiting to be mounted.

46224. judithathome - 2/24/2016 9:11:40 PM

Obama vets Gov. Mark Sandoval(R) of Nevada for Supreme Court nominee.

Let the Republicans get in a snit over THAT....! And refuse to vote him in...let Hillary win the Presidency and choose Bernie Sanders to fill the vacancy!!

46225. winstonsmith - 2/25/2016 1:46:18 AM

Trump should start hitting Rubio as "Bought And Paid For" by the Republican establishment. As the Republican endorsements continue to roll in for Rubio ahead of Super Tuesday, I think it would be an effective strategy for him.

Yes, I am rooting for Trump. I think he can be beaten in the general election.

46226. winstonsmith - 2/25/2016 1:47:32 AM

Judith, yes, Sandoval seems like a great strategy.

46227. Trillium - 2/25/2016 3:50:59 AM

Cruz is reported to belong to "Dominionist" practices ("Dominionists" don't like their label though)

“Dominion Theology or Dominionism is the idea that Christians should work toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law.” –Oct 12, 2013
"Ted Cruz, Dominionism and Jesus" | JONATHAN TURLEY

Ted Cruz, Dominionism and Jesus"

There are problems with any movement that works towards closely meshing church and state: that includes Christian Dominionism, Sharia law, and historical Catholic government (the Habsburg monarchy was closely allied with the Papacy for hundreds of years, and the Spanish Empire always established missions alongside their military presidios).

Ideally religious influence should care and provide for the sick, indigent and vulnerable. In reality, ambitious people will pretend to believe in ideas that they don't actually hold, but are merely using as a tool for personal advancement through public manipulation. These actors soon betray principles and use the force of their power to silence any protest that would clean up the corruption.

Creativity and free communication get stifled in all this, and the church/mosque/state combo soon falls behind socially because too much energy has to be devoted to covering and protecting numerous lies.

Ted Cruz' appeal is very limited, even among religious conservatives (although one nice household of neighbors are sporting a "Cruz" placard in their front yard...)

46228. Trillium - 2/25/2016 4:05:35 AM

The Turley article linked above quotes Chris Hedges:
"There is a desire felt by tens of millions of Americans...known as the Christian right, to destroy the intellectual and scientific rigor of the Enlightenment".. [emphasis added]

I have listened in several classes to respected university professors, Marxists who do not identify with "The Right" at all -- dismissing "Western Civilization" and "The Enlightenment" as something that they do not value. These educators usually promote "Eastern", "African", or "tribal" civilizations instead of anything "Western".

Personally, I like the changes that were wrought by The Enlightenment, and I don't want to see those values discarded: freedom of choice, autonomy of individuals (especially females) outside family/tribe; separation of religion and state.

I think Hedges has a blind spot about the non-Right population. There are plenty of people who prefer emotion, trance and drama to logical thinking, and this preference is not restricted to the Christian Right

46229. arkymalarky - 2/25/2016 5:51:48 AM

My mother is VERY concerned about the Dominionists.

46230. iiibbb - 2/25/2016 5:49:05 PM

Well, as a dominionist would say, she should make somebody a sandwich.

46231. winstonsmith - 2/25/2016 8:27:47 PM

Re, 26214, Ms. No - Yes, I think if Bernie were running for VP with Clinton it could also help some to get young people out. Although, sadly, the turn out for the Democrat primaries has been lower than when Obama was running. Republicans are just more angry after 7+ years of Obama.

46232. robertjayb - 2/25/2016 8:54:19 PM

With Sandoval out, who is in?

46233. judithathome - 2/25/2016 10:35:51 PM

Will it realy matter?

46234. judithathome - 2/25/2016 10:36:05 PM


46235. winstonsmith - 2/26/2016 5:42:04 PM

Lindsey Graham:

"If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,"

46236. judithathome - 2/27/2016 8:50:06 PM

Also from Lindsay: "My party has gone batshit crazy."

46237. judithathome - 2/27/2016 8:50:40 PM

Marco Rubio is evidently NOT a student of political campaigns...he is probaby too young to remember Dan Quayle's gaff of correcting someone's spelling on camera.

Yesterday he ridiculed Trump's spelling of "choked"...which Trump spelled correctly...by saying to an adoring crowd "He spelled it 'c-h-o-k-e-d" and it's supposed to be 'c-h-o-a-k-e-d'."


46238. arkymalarky - 2/27/2016 10:11:51 PM

Man, Hillary is doing so great. It's a completely different candidate from 2008, & I love it. I saw a handmade sign that I want for a bumper sticker: Hillyes!

46239. judithathome - 2/27/2016 10:23:43 PM

Love it!

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