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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 46770 - 46789 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
46770. judithathome - 12/7/2016 3:26:14 AM

By the way, Kasich has asked that no votes for him be cast in the Electoral College.

He was robbed in this election and this just proves he is a much better choice than the fool we've ended up with.

46771. robertjayb - 12/7/2016 5:32:41 AM

Thanks, Judith...

46772. judithathome - 12/10/2016 10:33:12 PM

What do you guys think Trump is going to do when he is chained to a desk in the Oval Office every day? He is going to miss the crowds of adoring fans by day 2....in fact, an ego the size of his is going to get antsy for that mass approval and become depressed in a very short time...to say nothng of a few months down the road when NONE of his camapign promises are "realized" and all those people without jobs aren't going to GET anything he promised and, most important, all those people making minimum wage aren't going to get MORE and may, in fact, get less.

And will he still be "allowed" to tweet in the early morning hours? What happens when Kellyanne is tossed out on the heap (with Rudy G.) of chumps who gave their all for him and all they got for it was a baseball cap?

This next four years will be....interesting, to say the least.

And as the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for...."

46773. judithathome - 12/14/2016 8:57:05 PM

I almost can't wait until Trump realizes that he NEEDS Paul Ryan more than any other person in the WORLD when he becomes President....he has yet to understand that Ryan runs the government...HE is the one who decides which things come to a vote before Congress. HE is the conduit to Congress...actually, if he doesn't want it, it doesn't even begin to happen.

46774. judithathome - 12/16/2016 10:38:02 PM

Just listening to the FINAL news conference by Obama...and already mourning the fact we shall not see such adroitness of intellect and elegance of expression for at least the next four years.

46775. judithathome - 12/16/2016 11:14:19 PM

Someone in the crowd at Obama's final press conference passed out and he called for the doctor...waited until he showed up and then continued on with his speech....

What do you think our NEW President Elect would have done in the same situation? Damned the press for trying to steal his thunder because they cut away to the crowd?

46776. iiibbb - 12/19/2016 11:30:45 PM

He threw a mother and baby out of a rally....

.... pretty sure what he'd do.

46777. iiibbb - 12/19/2016 11:31:55 PM

"Just listening to the FINAL news conference by Obama...and already mourning the fact we shall not see such adroitness of intellect and elegance of expression for at least the next four years."

If he can't work with Republicans they'll impeach him after 2018.

46778. judithathome - 12/20/2016 8:31:34 PM

I predict Trump will get bored long before his term is over and he will quit.

Meanwhile, he'll "let Mikey do it" when it comes to the actual WORK and Pence's radical agenda will sail through the Republican Congress.

46779. judithathome - 12/20/2016 8:33:47 PM

That's radical "right-wing" agenda...anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-anything that has been so hard won in the arena of human rights in the past 8 years.

46780. judithathome - 12/21/2016 1:13:08 AM

Where the hell IS everyone???

46781. winstonsmith - 12/21/2016 1:55:47 AM

Hi Judith!

I myself am busy preparing for the holidays and recovering from election fatigue. I hope you are having a great holiday.

46782. judithathome - 12/21/2016 5:18:32 AM

Well, we don't really celebrate the holidays...but we're still having a great life!

For now, anyhow. ;-)

46783. judithathome - 12/22/2016 12:13:40 AM

I cannot believe there are no posts in this thread...aside from the fact no one usually posts after one of mine.

Jesus H. Christ, people! Our future is DOOMED....WTF????

46784. judithathome - 12/22/2016 12:15:57 AM

By the way....props to you, Winton Smith....hello and how are you doing!

46785. judithathome - 12/22/2016 12:17:15 AM

Sorry...WINSTON Smith.

46786. iiibbb - 12/22/2016 5:33:13 AM

Sorry I haven't been around. I've been with others.

I am also really angry and fearful all the time about this election so I am not much fun. I hate "republicans", I have no faith in Democrats, and I want to beat sensless all of the "progressives" and "democrats" who protest voted, didn't vote or whatever because "Hillary = Trump" or "my vote doesn't matter because...[insert bullshit here]"

46787. judithathome - 12/22/2016 9:07:21 PM

Well, clearly, our votes DON'T matter...mine (from Texas) hasn't mattered since Ann Richards was trotting around this state.

Why we can't CHANGE an antiquated system which was created so long ago that MEXICO still owned the lower quarter of our country is beyond me. Did we hold on to other laws from back in that day? Laws like stealing horses would get you strung up and hung by the neck? No...the country changed as it grew...but we treat this part of the constitution as though Moses brought it "writ in stone" down from the moutain top.

I seriously doubt one third of the residents in all the states in this country could name...or even CARES...who their "electors" are or how they get to BE electors...and yet we hold their actions to be sacrosanct every four years.

46788. Trillium - 12/23/2016 3:12:22 AM

Was curious about your take on Ryan Zinke, iiibbb.
WaPo on Ryan Zinke

"During his time in Congress, Zinke has established a 3 percent voting score with the League of Conservation Voters. But he has broken ranks with the panel’s GOP majority on occasion, opposing a measure by Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) that would have allowed each state to buy up to 2 million acres in U.S. Forest Service land to boost timber production. He has also pushed for full funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, a high priority for outdoors groups."

46789. iiibbb - 12/25/2016 6:59:44 AM


- As a general rule, I am against the US divesting itself of federal natural lands.
- As a general rule, I am for science-based forest management; I am not a preservationist and think that forest lands benefit from some level of silvicultural prescriptions.
- Trump does not have my confidence, and while he might be right about a few over-arching principles... his execution will likely be sub-optimal.
- I am not a fan of fossil fuels, and the sooner we eliminate geogenic carbon from our energy portfolio the better. I am pro-nuclear at this point as it is the only energy system that can meet demand and bridge us to the point where we an rely on renewables alone. I view the risks associated with fossil fuels far exceed those that are associated with nuclear.

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