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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 47039 - 47058 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
47039. judithathome - 4/27/2017 9:24:29 PM

Oh, now we get it...Flynn is ALL Obama's fault because Flynn's security clearance happened during the last days of the Obama administration...

I guess that great "jobs" report during Trump's first hundred days is Obama's "fault", too....(huge eye roll)

47040. robertjayb - 5/10/2017 2:22:14 AM

Lock him Up! President Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey — a move that comes as the FBI is probing contacts between Trump’s campaign aides and Russian officials ahead of last year's presidential election.

47041. judithathome - 5/10/2017 6:15:11 PM

God Bless HG Wells...he saw ALL this coming! Read Things To Come

47042. Ms. No - 5/11/2017 6:10:01 AM

I was telling my students today that I hope they're able to look back at this time and say "We were there when America nearly collapsed," and not "We remember the death of the Constitution."

47043. Ms. No - 5/12/2017 9:49:22 PM

So, we'll be watching All the President's Men soon.

I can't believe that a man who lived through Watergate and Nixon's secret recordings would make such a ridiculous threat.

Our world just gets stranger and stranger, but even if Trump is removed from the White House, we've still got a legion of like-minded idiots running the joint.

47044. wabbit - 5/15/2017 6:57:01 PM

JaH is having log-in issues, this post is from her:

“Well, we all know Trump is going to appoint John Cornyn as the new head of the FBI because Mike Rogers is the most qualified.”

47045. winstonsmith - 5/18/2017 12:08:20 AM

The U.S. Department of Justice has named former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel in charge of Russia investigation.

47046. Ms. No - 5/18/2017 1:23:19 AM

Wowsers -- I didn't think Rosenstein would nut-up and do it. I'm encouraged.

47047. winstonsmith - 5/18/2017 1:54:47 AM

Yep, me too. I just want a fair person to sort all this out and let the chips fall where they may.

47048. Ms. No - 5/19/2017 1:04:24 AM

Just heard Joe Lieberman is on Trump's short list for next FBI Director.

I am NOT a fan.

47049. winstonsmith - 5/19/2017 1:13:15 AM

Yeah, Joe is a weasel. I guess it just depends upon whether the other choices are worse.

47050. Ms. No - 5/19/2017 3:35:42 PM

I don't know enough to know who would be a good choice, but Trump is sure to appoint one loyalist political whore or another given the chance.

47051. wabbit - 5/21/2017 8:05:54 PM

Trump's speech writers got him two thirds of the way into a good commencement address for the Coast Guard before the ego section of his speech took over.

...No politician in history -- and I say this with great surety -- has been treated worse or more unfairly...

Sigh. And he thinks he's a genius. A genius who doesn't know anything about political history, not even recent political history. Now he's wheeling and dealing his way through his first trip abroad (I wonder if he thought that was two words).

President Trump during a speech Sunday in Saudi Arabia avoided the term "radical Islamic terrorism," which he often used on the campaign trail.

During the speech to leaders of more than 50 Muslim-majority nations, the president did use terms such as "Islamist extremism" and "Islamist terror groups."


Trump's decision not to use the term was notable, as he had repeatedly used the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism" during the campaign and criticized former President Obama for not using the term...

So much to say and not nearly enough free time. I wouldn't know where to begin.

47052. Ms. No - 5/23/2017 1:43:40 AM

I spent seven minutes trying to remember how to make the "asshole" emoticon.

Clearly it was time not well spent.

47053. wabbit - 5/24/2017 12:37:57 AM


That one?

47054. Ms. No - 5/24/2017 6:14:31 AM

That's the one!


47055. robertjayb - 6/2/2017 2:47:45 AM


?The California Senate voted Thursday to advance a longshot single-payer health care plan that would replace insurance companies with government-funded health care for everyone in the state.

A baby step but hopeful...

47056. Ms. No - 6/2/2017 6:20:35 AM

After all these years I still don't consider myself a Californian, but I know that when I'm traveling out of state, others clearly see me as such. I very likely couldn't go "home" to either of the states that I think of as such.

So many things about California that I'm not wild about, so many things about the South that I miss, but then we get a bill like this, or we get the news that our district has declared itself a sanctuary district, and I have to be glad that I'm here and not back in Texas or Carolina.

47057. robertjayb - 6/7/2017 4:47:14 AM

A Nevada gamble?

On Friday, the Nevada state legislature passed the first bill in the country that would expand Medicaid, the public health care assistance program for the nation’s poor, statewide. The news comes at a time when President Donald Trump and a Republican Congress are pushing to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed under President Obama, cutting Medicaid spending by $800 billion over the next 10 years.

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval (R-NV) has not announced whether he will support the bill, and according to Vox, his office declined to comment on his plans to veto or sign the new health care package into law. (AlterNet)

47058. Ms. No - 6/7/2017 6:22:29 PM

If the current administration is so all-fired set to give states autonomy on this, then they should forgo the tax revenues for Medicaid that states with single-payer systems would ordinarily send.

Then all the good folks in Alabama can complain to their own government when they lose their health care because their state can't afford to pay for it without contributions from wealthier, generally bluer, states.

Which is, of course, a terrible idea, but I'm just angry a lot lately over the petty, meanness of the current Republican leadership. And by meanness, I include both definitions -- miserly and cruel.

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