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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 47226 - 47245 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
47226. arkymalarky - 12/16/2018 8:56:31 AM

And the reason Kamala Harris is my pick of the bunch is that I feel like we need somebody who will be able to get a lot of things fixed and who will need to be able to get the people and manage them to get that done. I want someone who doesn't mind telling people what to do and knows what they need to be doing and sees that they get it done. This isn't a regular time this is cleaning up a big steamy shitpile. It won't be easy.

47227. arkymalarky - 12/16/2018 8:58:22 AM

President Obama had to clean up the economy and other things that were in bad shape, but the Government was running. He didn't have to rebuild it from scratch like whoever replaces Trump is going to do

47228. wabbit - 12/16/2018 10:49:17 PM

My two cents, fwiw:

First of all, Nancy Pelosi needs to get over her damn self and start bringing along someone who is not of her generation. Thus far, she seems to be reluctant to do that. Seth Moulton has forced her hand. It's time for Nancy to get with the program or she can take responsibility for Trump's second term.

Seth Moulton. He's looking good to me in about 10 years. He's a veteran, thus far just left of center, which means he's electable. He's kept his head down until recently and will perhaps go back to that if he's thinking ahead, as I hope he is. But years ahead.

The Dems need someone electable at the top of the ticket. If that's an old white guy, so be it. They cannot hang their hopes on a minority or female candidate unless there is a very real chance of beating the cheeto, regardless of how qualified that person may be. We are in the land of the Pharaohs and the cult of personality.

So, if Biden is the one, he can run and plan for one term, make Harris the VP, and start putting people like Moulton and O'Rourke into leadership positions for experience and seasoning. The experiment with a no experience, doesn't understand his job or how a republic works, poor (in spite of his publicity) CEO of a not very respected corporation, autocratic dipshit will hopefully be enough for anyone but the right-wingnut end of the Republican party to come to their senses.

Please god, NOT Warren or Sanders, they are far more valuable right where they are and I doubt they could beat the orange one.

But that's just me.

47229. Ms. No - 12/27/2018 3:47:03 AM

Yep, I'm witcha.

47230. wabbit - 5/17/2019 6:31:26 PM


As you’ve no doubt heard, wildly restrictive abortion laws are currently spreading across the United States, in an effort that is seen as the first step toward setting up a court battle to overturn Roe v. Wade. On Wednesday night, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey effectively banned nearly all abortions in the state, even in cases of rape or incest. On Thursday, Missouri’s State Senate passed a bill outlawing abortion at eight weeks of pregnancy. All of this is in the hopes that once the fight reaches the Supreme Court, Trump appointees like Brett Kavanaugh will return the favor by rolling back a woman’s right to choose. But, of course, the Supreme Court isn’t the only place stacked with Trump judges just licking their lips at the thought of gutting the 1973 decision. The president has installed a whopping 106 judges since his inauguration, and, on Thursday, the Senate confirmed what might be his craziest nominee yet.

That would be Wendy Vitter. Trump nominated her nearly a year and a half ago, and on Thursday, the Senate officially voted to give her a lifetime seat on the federal bench. So, what’s so bad about Vitter that Susan “This Kavanaugh guy totally deserves a seat on the Supreme Court” Collins broke ranks to oppose her? Where to start?

Probably with the fact that Vitter, who has been general counsel for the Archdiocese of New Orleans since 2012, seemingly believes that abortion causes breast cancer. At a conference in 2013, Vitter referred to a brochure that linked abortions to breast cancer, and told the audience, “Go to Dr. Angela’s Web site, Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, download it, and, at your next physical, you walk into your pro-life doctor and say, ‘Have you thought about putting these facts or this brochure in your waiting room?’ Each one of you can be the pro-life advocate to take that next step. That’s what you do with it.” That same brochure that Vitter appeared to endorse claimed that taking birth control can lead to cervical and liver cancers, and “violent death,” because “women who take oral contraceptives prefer men with similar DNA, and that women in these partnerships have fewer sexual relations, leading to more adultery, and ‘understandably . . . violence.’” Separately, Vitter appeared at an anti-Planned Parenthood rally, where she accused the group of “kill[ing] over 150,000 females a year.” Naturally, she left these activities off her disclosure form to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

47231. Trillium - 5/18/2019 8:36:08 PM

Went to look for more about Vitter in this NPR piece:

Judicial Nominee Wendy Vitter Gets Tough Questions on Birth Control and Abortion

"Wendy Vitter...tried...to walk back several controversial comments she made about abortion and birth control.

"In particular, Vitter sought to distance herself from a brochure she had appeared to endorse while leading a panel at a pro-life conference in 2013..."

47232. Trillium - 5/18/2019 8:51:12 PM

The highly charged sex/gender controversies always seem to get stoked at election times. It's irritating because none of it really makes any sense.

Anti-abortion Pat Robertson came out and flatly stated that the Alabama abortion restrictions are not going to hold up in court. "Republicans" know that.

"Democrats" meanwhile went all out for full-term abortions, which are a nauseating prospect for most healthcare professionals who would deal with this procedure. A high school classmate who underwent an excruciating fifth-month abortion came out campaigning against it. Her biology knowledge was poor and she had had no idea what she was in for. In hindsight she wished she would have gone to term with the pregnancy. The abortion was hideous, with expulsion of recognizable body parts of what would likely have been a healthy baby.

Both party leaderships know this controversy will create a reliable shitstorm, resulting in absolutely nothing either way at the end of it all.

And meanwhile, other pressing issues relating to debt, interminable war, espionage and foreign influence, human trafficking and gang crime, etc. etc. fall off the radar.

Irresponsible all around

47233. Trillium - 5/18/2019 9:06:30 PM

So much of the United States infrastructure was auctioned off after 1990, put under the control of governments with extremely coercive policies where human rights are concerned. I had not known until recently that the Port of Long Beach had been sold to a Chinese company, Cosco

China forced to sell the Port of Long Beach

Wilmington port

Canaveral + Gulftainer

47234. wabbit - 5/20/2019 11:06:54 PM

"Democrats" meanwhile went all out for full-term abortions, which are a nauseating prospect for most healthcare professionals who would deal with this procedure.
Cite please.

47235. arkymalarky - 5/21/2019 6:53:42 AM


47236. arkymalarky - 5/21/2019 6:58:46 AM


47237. arkymalarky - 5/21/2019 7:03:38 AM

bore repeating.

Lies like what trillium and her Lord and Master spew are the most disgusting sort. They take the hard work that people like her would never dare to do and defile it, along with the parents and children who go through such tragedies. The true story link is right here:


47238. Trillium - 5/22/2019 12:19:54 AM

wabbit, looks like you disagree with me. No "cite". I am not uncomfortable with death, but hastening death is not something I would be eager to do.

I know what I will want for *myself* when the time comes (morphine if it's needed), but I would not be comfortable with terminating somebody else's preemie as part of my job.

Do you think you could do this without problems? Your friends? Governors often have difficulty coming to decisions to execute prisoners. So do soldiers and police. Most people don't take life lightly.

If you actually want a "cite" there is a medical ethics textbook by Gregory Pence that goes into some detail about the history of abortion laws in the United States, and details of the controversy from different angles.

Georgetown U has used the Pence textbook in one of their courses. Medical Ethics: Accounts of Groundbreaking Cases. If you can get a used copy of the Pence textbook, you might want to read the part about very late term abortion and see what you and your friends think.

old Georgetown syllabus with names & links related to several medical controversies, not just abortion

47239. Trillium - 5/22/2019 12:20:45 AM

Arky, you get very angry when others disagree with your viewpoints, and begin with hateful and divisive rhetoric. Not civil

47240. Trillium - 5/22/2019 12:31:31 AM

Cut & pasted above and it made a sentence to wabbit unclear. The name of the Georgetown class is "Bioethics"

The Pence textbook is Medical Ethics: Accounts of Groundbreaking Cases.

Pence's book is food for thought, not just about reproductive controversies, but also different surgeries and treatments that many people will experience for themselves or in their families over a lifetime (but usually without adequate preparation)

The book is worth checking out. I learned some things I had never thought about... that kidney transplants have a high failure rate; that as soon as a seriously crippled woman obtained the "right to die" in a groundbreaking case, she decided that preferred to live. The issue was about control over her life, not actually a desire to die

47241. arkymalarky - 5/22/2019 6:17:06 AM

I call out liars. Don't like it, don't lie.

47242. arkymalarky - 5/22/2019 6:27:24 AM

"I know what I will want for *myself* when the time comes (morphine if it's needed), but I would not be comfortable with terminating somebody else's preemie as part of my job."

That's the most disgusting lie I've ever read in this site in the 15 plus years I've been here. Even from you. How you sleep at night I really don't know. Hanging upside down, I'm sure.

47243. Ms. No - 5/22/2019 7:04:56 PM

92% of abortions take place before 13 weeks of gestation. Nobody is aborting healthy, viable, preemies.

The folks who keep saying that women are aborting their healthy babies days or even minutes before delivery are lying in order to whip up outrage. No doctor is performing abortions on healthy babies in the 8th and 9th month of pregnancy.

They also aren't standing over a crying dismembered fetus while it gasps for air in its death throes after an abortion performed in the 14th week of pregnancy.

The constant rhetoric about the cruelty, the irresponsibility, or the just plain slutty selfishness of women speaks to the true motives of the pro-birth movement.


47244. arkymalarky - 5/22/2019 9:31:37 PM

Russian and white supremacist trolls have started pushing lies of this sort to get people to mistreat their children or to strongly believe other people are mistreating them in order to sow more chaos among ignorant white Americans. Pizzagate type shit. The more it looks like they might lose in 2020 the more desperate their Tactics get. It's instructive how much dangerous misinformation regarding American children has come from that sordid little corner of the web.

47245. wabbit - 5/22/2019 10:04:13 PM

Trillium, it isn't a matter of disagreement about being pro-choice or anti-choice, although I suppose that's the easy assumption on your part. I would like you to find a doctor in this country who would be willing to perform the procedure you described as having happened to your high school classmate on a healthy, viable unborn child. At least provide some sort of proof other than your opinion, or anyone else's opinion, as to what the Democrats want. Or was that *not* the implication in your post?

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