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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 47356 - 47360 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
47356. Ms. No - 4/2/2024 9:31:49 PM

I'm increasingly irritated with Democrats.

Yeah, Biden is old, but we fucked around for too many years and haven't built another viable, younger candidate. If Biden were to drop dead tomorrow, we'd have 19 folks jockeying for position as the Democratic candidate and NONE of them are in a position to win.

Not Bernie - another super-old white dude - not what's-his-ass from Texas with the cool nickname - not Booker, not Schumer, not Harris or Warren or any fucking body.

And nobody on the horizon.

Dems need to quit trying to appease or appeal to folks who hate them and just ride-or-die for the cause of democracy. Yeah, Biden is old. Sorry, but he's what we've got and he's competent and doing a pretty damn good job so long as he doesn't die. Get behind him and start talking about what he's accomplished. Start actively, loudly, colorfully countering the lies and misdirection from the right.

And don't get me started on the pandering cesspool that is our media now. They just can't quit with the inflammatory, sensational headlines that serve only to amplify Trump's voice and undermine confidence in Biden.

I want one of Diva's auto-slap-whap machines, for sure.

47357. vonKreedon - 4/3/2024 2:14:49 AM

For sure.

47358. Ms. No - 4/16/2024 12:02:47 AM

Day 1 of the business fraud trial.

Do we dare hope?

47359. vonKreedon - 4/18/2024 5:50:42 AM

I should hope so, what choice do we have? I'm not even hoping for a specific; e.g., "I hope he's convicted." I'm just hoping that the country and world will be alright, however it happens, because I'm not feeling real hopeful right now.

47360. Ms. No - 4/18/2024 11:48:43 PM

Yeah, me neither.

I'm not even sure what to realistically hope for. Obviously, I don't want him back in the White House. Ideally he'd go to prison (unlikely), but so long as he is upright and capable of getting online or in front of a camera, he will continue to erode the fabric of our democracy.

I don't really know how the GOP comes back from Trump except that there isn't anyone like him -- really like him -- who could carry the torch. Trump's hubris and utter unconcern for societal or political norms, his comfort with outright deceit and corruption is fortunately rare. If he dropped dead tomorrow, I don't think the GOP would suddenly shift back toward sanity, but I also don't think it would continue to gallivant off toward crazy-town, either.

I'm just so sick of it all. It's depressing and demoralizing and I don't know what the solution is.

No one is coming to save us and I don't know how in the world we're going to make the strides to save ourselves at this point. Is it really going to take a civil war?

(which I just saw in the theaters and quite enjoyed, btw. It is aggressively a-political which has bugged some folks to no end, but the movie isn't about any specific political ideology. Kind of like the Walking Dead isn't really about zombies --- they're just the environment. Incidental. )

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