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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 42208 - 42227 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
42208. vonKreedon - 2/8/2012 6:08:10 PM

I am so loving the Repub nomination campaign this year. Yeah Santorum! I still expect Romney to be the nominee, but he's going to be damaged goods by the time of his acceptance in Tampa.

42209. vonKreedon - 2/9/2012 1:51:14 AM

The Washington State Legislature just passed same-sex marriage. The bill was pushed by our Governor, so it's a done deal! I expect to be attending a couple of weddings this year.

42210. Wombat - 2/9/2012 4:24:52 AM

Get thee behind me, you supporter of liberal decadence and the destruction of the American way of life!

42211. judithathome - 2/9/2012 10:29:03 PM

Here is the most succinct argument I've seen on why this contraception brouhaha is NOT a First Amendment issue:

David Boies on First Amendment

42212. vonKreedon - 2/13/2012 6:32:22 PM

Here's a phenominally researched and written article on why the 1st amendment doesn't apply to the Catholic Hospitals, but to their patients.

"It's one thing to say that because you're using private funds, you don't have to provide services that violate religious conscience. It's another to accept public money in a market situation where "customers" don't have free choice, and make that same assertion."
" Hospitals and care providers aren't required to disclose anything about their religious preferences, and so patients and families have to make decisions, often in traumatic or even life-or-death situations, without knowing anything about which religious preferences will guide their care."
"What's needed here in Washington state is a Patient Bill of Rights that makes clear that the religious preferences of the patient are paramount."

42213. judithathome - 2/14/2012 6:01:29 PM

Good luck on EVER getting something like that...

Anyone notice the Republicans haven't been making as much noise about gun rights since some nut came after one of their own?

42214. vonKreedon - 2/16/2012 7:54:31 PM

I'm starting to get concerned that the Repubs may manage to hold a brokered convention. My concern is that I believe that Obama can beat any of the current crop of Repub candidates, but he would likely struggle against Daniels or Christie and a brokered convention is likely to turn to either of these as their nominee.

42215. judithathome - 2/16/2012 9:18:04 PM

I think they (Dems) can paint Daniels as a gloom and doom guy...because he IS. Christie, I'd be much more worried about. Although there are probably hidden things he would prefer not see the light of day...there's a reason he declined the nom before and it had little to do with his "readiness" or lack thereof.

I think the Republicans have written off the next four years and are saving themselves for 2016...then, they can claim any disasters are definitely to be laid at the feet of the Dems...because they fully expect the country to fail big time in the next 4 1/2 years. In fact, it would appear they are actively courting that very failure.

If anyone thinks they are not in for "long con", just look at how they eneded up where they are today...they started this plan from grass roots up...they are killing unions state by state and undermining "liberties" left and right...one state at a time. Voting rights, unions, education, social issues...it's all coming to pass at state levels.

42216. OhioSTOPAS - 2/17/2012 7:34:11 PM

Here in beautiful Columbus, Rick Santorum is making a "major announcement" at the Ohio State House this afternoon. I'd be on tenterhooks if (1) I cared, or (2) I knew what a "tenterhook" is.

42217. OhioSTOPAS - 2/17/2012 7:35:47 PM

What I'm sure it's NOT is an announcement that our despised governor John Kasich has endorsed Santorum. If Kasich does endorse a candidate, the endorsee will try everything possible to keep it a secret.

42218. Wombat - 2/17/2012 8:29:53 PM

I dunno, if this week has shown us anything, there is literally nothing too stupid for a Republican presidential candidate to do.

42219. OhioSTOPAS - 2/17/2012 10:23:24 PM

Santorum's announcement is his endorsement by Ohio Attorney General (and former Senator) Mike Dewine.

42220. vonKreedon - 2/17/2012 10:42:03 PM

A further blow to Romney since DeWine had previously endorsed Mitt.

42221. thoughtful - 2/21/2012 4:04:16 PM

OMG! We were catching up on old daily shows and he had Elizabeth Warren on. She is terrific! She should be our next President!

part 1

part 2

Of course the wall st journal has already been painting her the devil incarnate for her role on the consumer protection agency.

If you want a mind blowing experience, compare and contrast with palin while watching.

42222. judithathome - 2/21/2012 9:31:22 PM

Saw an interview with Franklin Graham...my, my...in this case, the acorn fell FAR from the oak.

42223. judithathome - 2/21/2012 9:34:04 PM

Here it is, in all its ignorant glory:

Franklin Graham Is An Asshole

42224. arkymalarky - 2/21/2012 11:37:02 PM

He's awful.

42225. concerned - 2/26/2012 12:04:31 AM

I recall that 0bama promised that after three years, if unemployment wasn't lower than when he ascended to his throne, he wouldn't seek re-election.

This alone shows the value of his logorrhea.

42226. concerned - 2/26/2012 12:32:52 AM

Now that Congressional Democrats (and Bill Clinton ex post facto) have definitively been established as the primary culprits behind the 2008 real estate crash, it's a damning indictment of 0bama's and the Democrats' economic policies that the total number of employed in the US has still not recovered to 2007 levels, even though the recession ended in June 2009 (before any of 0bama's so-called stimuli had a chance to take effect) and the population has increased several percent since then.

It's hard to avoid the conclusion from this and many other indisputable facts that Democrats in general are not effectively as concerned with promoting the general welfare of US citizens (or world peace) as Republicans are. Maybe some of this can be laid at the feet of Leftist ignorance, but that, coupled with their innate denial of reality, becomes a poisonous combination when applied to public policy.

42227. concerned - 2/26/2012 12:46:39 AM

Re. 42218 -

Wombat has, like a committed lemming, totally fallen for the Alinskyite propaganda ruse that 'our candidate is always smarter than your candidates no matter who they are' which demonstrates his own mental and emotional limitations, if he really thinks parroting BS like that does anything but reflect on himself.

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