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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 45083 - 45102 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
45083. judithathome - 11/7/2012 6:18:30 AM

Eat your heart out, Con'd...it's over...been called for Obama!

45084. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:18:40 AM


Whatever. I'm sorry if I came off sounding critical of you in particular - everybody makes their own choices, you me, everybody - in reality the US electorate as a whole apparently has decided that Republicans pose more of a problem and a threat than anything else and that the far left Democrat party of today is the answer. If so, they've made their choice, and now we all have to live with it.

45085. judithathome - 11/7/2012 6:20:55 AM

Amen...we DO have to live with it and that should be much easier to do than living under the Republican regime.

45086. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:21:55 AM

Re. 45083 -

My motivations are not personal - my choices were for what I believe are the general good. No regrets or apologies are needed from me, nor will they be forthcoming. I made the best choices from what was possible, unlike you.

OTOH, You get to defend 0bama's accumulating failures for another four years. Still going to be blaming Bush for everything 4 years down the road? I don't envy you the task.

45087. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:22:50 AM

Amen...we DO have to live with it and that should be much easier to do than living under the Republican regime.

Not by any rational standard, and that's what counts, not your personal prejudices.

45088. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 6:23:11 AM

note, so far 538 has nailed it

45089. thoughtful - 11/7/2012 6:25:50 AM

Thank God!!!! Obama won!!!

It's our best chance for economic survival. And it's a blow to the politics of vitriol....if you think about how effective the gopers are at communicating, this is truly an indicator that America is rejecting goper ideas.

Time to wake up...the face of America has fundamentally changed, and the gopers are not keeping up. They can't hope to win if they don't become more inclusive.

And the best news of all...Elizabeth Warren is in!

Elizabeth Warren for President 2016!!!

She will be the 21st century's Teddy Roosevelt....trust buster extraordinaire!

45090. judithathome - 11/7/2012 6:27:00 AM


Con'd, if you are so sure this was the wrong choice, feel free to refuse to take anything the government has to offer you.

45091. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 6:27:12 AM

Real Republicans/Conservatives

- Think the answer is to swing further right
- Are unrepentant about about Bush and the unfunded wars.
- See no connection between deregulation and the economic crash
- Are completely cavalier about environmental issues
- Give too much sway to the religious fringe regarding science and other issues.
- Can't stay out of bedrooms --- in spite of consistently trying to appeal to libertarians

45092. judithathome - 11/7/2012 6:29:11 AM

AND...think the hollow man they chose to run was actually a real candidate and not a robot with no connection at all to humans.

45093. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:34:31 AM

It's our best chance for economic survival.

Not a chance after 4 years of the worst economic performance by far since the Great Depression, and no new plans but for higher taxes yet and more overregulation.

And it's a blow to the politics of vitriol....

You've got that completely backwards. Who accused whom of being a liar and a felon for months on end? Who accused Romney of killing a plant workers wife who died of cancer six years after a plant closed and nine years after Romney had left the company that managed it? Who was preparing to make fabricated accusations against Romney based on his testimony for a divorce trial of a business associate? Who has been repeatedly making gibes about 'Romnesia' and personally and indefensibly calling Romney a liar dozens of times over?

Romney has never responded in kind. He has never stooped to 0bama's low level of politicking. If you have any integrity as a person 'thoughtful', save your accusations of 'vitriol' for where it belongs - the 0bama campaign and 0bama personally.

45094. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 6:34:31 AM

and apparently think I am the problem with their party because I think they should be more moderate in order for me to consider voting for them.

45095. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:35:59 AM

Con'd, if you are so sure this was the wrong choice, feel free to refuse to take anything the government has to offer you.

Not very original little gibe, JAH.

45096. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:37:50 AM

iiibbb -

Tell you what - I don't think you'll ever vote Republican. You'll always find some subgroup that you despise too much to let you do that. So, why not give up the pretense that you'd ever seriously consider it?

45097. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 6:38:50 AM

Romney was lying though... or completely irresponsible... not sure which is worse.

Have to say, the core reason I detest him is that I can't separate him from my mental picture of financiers who game the system and drove our economy into the ditch.

45098. judithathome - 11/7/2012 6:39:04 AM


Jesus....you really believe that.

Comfort yourself with the words of someone you can worship: Donald Trump: "This election is a travesty."

45099. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:39:35 AM

iiibbb -

You're just too *good* for mere Republicans.

45100. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:41:23 AM

Jesus....you really believe that.

Well, Jesus, JAH. So do you. And don't bother denying it without giving specific examples because I won't believe you otherwise.

45101. concerned - 11/7/2012 6:42:34 AM

How about if I don't go by something Trump said about the election?

That ok with everybody?

45102. judithathome - 11/7/2012 6:44:20 AM

Ha! I need no other example except for Romney denying that Ohio went for Obama....they are refusing to concede.

Such a lack of class...they just cannot believe they lost after ALL their money and conniving and lying and bullshit.

No class, whatsoever.

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