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2096. arkymalarky - 5/9/2020 2:38:47 PM

How fun! So glad you got to do that and so glad for your kids too.

2097. Ms. No - 9/10/2020 11:10:02 PM

Distance Ed is a bitch.

2098. Ms. No - 10/7/2021 7:41:12 PM

Aaaaand, we're back!

Okay, so we were mostly back last April, but this year is full time, full classrooms, all students every day.

And I'm working 120% because we have such a teacher shortage that we can't get anyone to fill our open science position. We've parceled out the classes to those who can teach them so we've got 3 teachers out of 10 who are teaching 120%.

2099. Ms. No - 2/11/2023 1:19:37 AM

Finally applied to the EdD program so that someday in the not too distant future someone like me can call me an overly-educated moron out of touch with the classroom.

Actually, I hope I never become that person, but I know that you start forgetting nearly immediately after you leave the classroom. I suppose it's like childbirth in that way. Like, if anyone accurately remembered how painful it was to give birth after the last two miserable months of being pregnant, no one other than twins would have siblings.

It's how we can be excited to go back in the fall even when we were sick unto death back in the start of summer. :-)

Anyway, it's a 3 year program, so I'm not leaving the classroom anytime soon, but I did want to start preparing for an exit strategy. Hell, if they shut our school down after next year, I probably won't go to another teaching job if I can get picked up at the CDE (California Dept. of Ed).

I don't know that I especially want to work there, but I know I could get hired and figure out what I wanted to do next without too much trouble. They're all still working remotely for the most part and may never go back -- which I'm not sure I'd be a fan of. I mean, sure, it would probably be awesome for about two weeks and then I'd start to feel super-isolated.

And I really hate Zoom. I like the convenience of it when it comes to meetings that I don't want to drive to, but it's pretty enervating.

okay. Packing up my stuff to head home --- I've got 6th period prep, so my last students of the day left about 45 minutes ago.

Bring on the 3-Day Weekend!!

2100. vonKreedon - 2/19/2023 8:58:05 PM

Did you apply and are waiting to hear if you're accepted or have you been accepted?

2101. Ms. No - 2/28/2023 6:39:59 PM

Waiting to hear back whether I even get to the interview process. Should know in the next two weeks. After interviews, I don't know what the timeline is for acceptance. I suppose it depends on how many people applied this year.

I have a colleague who started the same program just this past fall who has offered to help me prep if I get an interview.

It's been a big couple of months for applications and document collection. I'm also putting in my bid to get CTE certified in Public Health. Over the last 10 years I've done a lot of work around public health and city planning and the CTE certificate would allow me to teach our Public Health course -- which I'm already doing this year on an emergency credential anyway.

If that goes through, next year I'd be teaching 4 CTE classes and just one Gov/Econ. Weird, but welcome. I'd have two Public Health and two Behavioral Health (which is basically psychology which I'm certified to teach under my Social Science credential.)

2102. Ms. No - 3/16/2023 10:45:51 PM

Interview is scheduled for next Wednesday!

CTE preliminary credential is granted and the class to complete it begins April 3. Whew!

2103. vonKreedon - 3/18/2023 2:11:47 AM

Best of fortune, Ms. No.

Also, Happy Saint Paddy's Day to all the Moties!

2104. Ms. No - 3/21/2023 2:59:39 AM

Thanks! I celebrated the patron saint of cats which also occurs on March 17. That means I got to stay home, curled up on the couch with a cozy blanket drinking tea and reading a book. It was green tea, at least. ;-)

2105. Ms. No - 3/21/2023 3:00:18 AM

I feel I should mention that I did all of that without actually having a cat.

2106. Ms. No - 5/4/2023 7:37:36 PM

Update: I'm first on the waiting list for the EdD program.

I'm feeling oddly ambivalent about it. I think part of it is the time of year --- just burnt out at this point. Also, I've been completing a course for my CTE credential which isn't hard, just time-consuming.

I know what I want to be involved in: how we educate and support new teachers, writing curriculum, and overhauling standardized assessments. I want to de-industrialize the way we approach public education, but I don't know if that's even possible when we're looking at such a massive bureaucracy.

And then I think about if I were to win the lottery, what would I do?

Oddly, I think I might still teach for another couple of years. I'm excited about my program here and moving into teaching Public Health and Mental & Behavioral Health, and I want to really cement that part of our program.

More likely would be that I spend the rest of my days traveling, reading, making art, and hanging with folks I enjoy. Hell, I'd probably even try to find a band to sing with again. :->

How obvious is it that I'm six weeks from the end of the school year?

2107. vonKreedon - 5/6/2023 10:23:30 PM

Sounds like you'll get in to the EdD program, yay!

End of year burn out is something my mother, a HS english teacher, often/usually exhibited.

Yeah, If I won the lottery I'd be travelling places and reading there with friends.

2108. Ms. No - 5/8/2023 6:24:41 AM

The fam is going to Portugal next summer, but this July we're having a sort of Texas family reunion. It'll likely be the last time I see a couple of my aunts while they still recognize all of us. All the cousins are coming -- including the ones from Amarillo -- so it'll be a good time to reconnect with them. If we don't do it now, we'll lose touch after our folks pass.

It's strange how much it means to me not to lose those links even though we don't often talk. They're all in Texas, so they are very close and see each other often, but we grew up close enough that I never feel out of place there. It's still my family.

Hmmm.... time to go to bed. My brain is rambling. :-)

2109. Ms. No - 5/15/2023 8:43:24 PM

Random observation:

How is it that so many straight A students get B's in math?

That trend makes me think that we don't teach Math very well.

2110. vonKreedon - 5/18/2023 2:08:45 AM

Setting the way back machine; I regularly got easy As in English, Social Studies, and Science (until Chemistry became math and my grade dropped from an A to a B-), while struggling in Math. Something about how my brain works just doesn't work as well with number concepts.

2111. Ms. No - 5/19/2023 8:44:45 PM

Same --- but I was brilliant in Geometry.

I think algebra and onward require a certain type of abstraction that I just don't grok. I can understand it for a day while we're doing it, but the day I don't repeat what I've been learning, I forget all of it.

I think that's true of a lot of things, though. If you don't use them on a regular basis, you lose the skill.

It's also possible that most of the "hard" math that we do, we do automatically. I'm not aware of calculating speed and distance and the weight of a car versus how fast I'm able to jet across a street against the light carrying 34lbs of school books, but the fact that I haven't yet been hit by a car shows that I'm doing the math right on some level. :-)

2112. vonKreedon - 5/20/2023 2:20:46 AM

HaHa...and keep on not being hit, dear.

2113. Ms. No - 5/23/2023 10:52:30 PM


It's been an oddly violent year for our district -- lockdowns, assaults, arrests. A former principal of mine got cold-cocked by a 14yo hopped up on PCP and had to go to the hospital. A nearby parking lot purse-snatching sent cops to arrest two kids at a high school one district over and one of the kids was carrying a handgun with a sanded off serial number and a high capacity magazine. There have been three different instances on three different campuses of adults sneaking onto campus and jumping students because of family beef, and this isn't even counting all the on-site fights etc.

My students show me these TikToks and they're all like "What is wrong with all those kids? I'm glad I'm not there."

And all I can think is that those kids aren't any worse than ours for the most part, they just don't have the same supports ours do because of population size. We've got one adult on campus for every 15 kids and you can walk from one end of our campus to the other in under 30 seconds just moseying. I love our students and I think they're good kids, but I know that many of them would be in trouble if they were on different campuses.

It's really sad, but it does make me grateful to be where I'm at. And I wish every campus had a similar adult to student ratio.

2114. vonKreedon - 5/24/2023 2:39:21 AM


2115. Ms. No - 5/31/2023 8:50:43 PM

Disappointing but also sort of relieving word from the EdD program -- everyone has accepted the admissions offers, so unless someone drops out before August, I'll have to wait for next year and apply again.

This timing works better for me, truthfully, but I can admit that it's a little bruising to the ego. Ah, well, gives me another year to become a better candidate. :-)

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