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2121. Ms. No - 6/13/2023 6:24:56 AM

Hello, thoughtful - good to see you!

Yes, there was a server issue and some communication breakdown so the site was down for a few months.

I was just reading something at Slate the other day and considered leaving a comment -- don't know how long ago they ditched the ridiculous BBS format that they switched to when they dumped us, but it seems much more similar to when we were there. I still didn't feel like registering in order to post, though. (Mainly this is because I didn't want to get all riled up and rant. ;-)

2122. thoughtful - 6/17/2023 2:34:44 PM

Hey Ms. No! Glad you are doing well. Still fondly remember our meet up in the Bronx!

2123. Ms. No - 6/20/2023 4:47:00 AM

Me too -- and your lovely husband. I'm in Hoboken right now. Every time I come out here I think of the great FrayUnion. What a good time!

2124. thoughtful - 6/28/2023 6:50:41 PM

I'm looking for a new political forum. I'm involved with one that's reasonable, but only because they've essentially kicked out all the RW trolls. But I'd really like one where I can interact with the gop so I can have a better understanding of what their thinking is. I was on another, but the admin is getting tired of it all and thinking about pulling the plug on all political posts, as has happened on another one.

Any suggestions?

2125. Ms. No - 6/30/2023 2:20:45 AM

Honestly, I stopped even listening to NPR back in 2016. I don't like to feel angry and powerless, and that's pretty much all the mainstream news was doing for me.

I keep local and inform myself in order to vote and decide how I spend my money. I'll dip into some of the big magazines -- the Atlantic, WSJ, NYT, Guardian, Economist, Mother Jones -- but I had to just quit all the gossipy crap I kept seeing on CNN/FOX/MSNBC etc.

My current news feed gives me daily doses of horror movies to check out, yard and garden ideas, performing artists, and cat videos. I'm quite possibly dumber for it, but I'm less angry. :-)

2126. thoughtful - 6/30/2023 3:34:05 AM

I understand how you feel.
But I have so much pent-up energy around what is happening that I need to express it...and I'm ever hopeful that there will be some way some how to reach these people...or if I could at least understand what they were thinking, it would help.

But basically I keep finding out that when I respond with facts, they respond that I'm a moron or I'm evil.

2127. Ms. No - 6/30/2023 9:44:54 AM

Or you're a socialist Groomer who hates America and Jesus.

It's such a strange phenomenon to witness so many thousands of people who just will not accept factual evidence. It's clearly an emotional thing, but I have so little sympathy anymore for the average white person who thinks they're being persecuted and ignored because people who don't look or think like them also want the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

2128. thoughtful - 7/2/2023 3:05:27 PM

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." -- Carl Sagan

2129. thoughtful - 7/2/2023 3:06:53 PM

And it's one thing when whites are bamboozled by white racists, but another when it's blacks or hispanics who are bamboozled by them! That I really don't get!

2130. vonKreedon - 7/3/2023 2:37:00 AM

All of my on-line conservative contacts have disconnected from me, I no longer have anyone who will argue political/social points with me. I apparently ask too many questions.

2131. thoughtful - 7/3/2023 10:10:31 PM

Hahah vonK! My experience is similar...it seems too much to ask that they be civil and actually make an argument as opposed to heading right to invective.

I've also responded with facts and data to which they answer that they don't believe it, I'm being duped by Soros et al, yadda yadda...

2132. Ms. No - 7/9/2023 5:01:51 AM

I'm always amazed and horrified and saddened when confronted with the kind of internalized oppression demonstrated by the "token" mouthpieces propping up racist or misogynist ideology.

2133. vonKreedon - 7/9/2023 5:15:02 PM

Such as?

2134. Ms. No - 7/15/2023 12:23:44 AM

Candace Owens springs first to mind.

Mostly I mean any person who is part of a historically (and currently) marginalized group who argues that pushing for equity measures is somehow more oppressive, more racist/sexist/homophobic/etc. than the circumstances those measures are meant to counteract.

They're trying to cover their attempts to impede equity by pushing their idea of equality. Except that I don't think Candace Evans believes she's arguing against equity. I thing she truly believes that getting a helping hand now to make up for 200 years or more of oppression somehow demeans her...or maybe she's like Kanye and just doesn't believe systemic racism or sexism exist because she has risen to a position of privilege.

2135. Ms. No - 7/15/2023 12:27:58 AM

I also, unfortunately, hear it from many women when the issue of sexual harassment and assault are up for discussion. I ran into the parent of one of my former students who mentioned that her daughter was having a tough time after a sexual assault at a party, "But I told her, 'What did you expect would happen?' you know how those college parties are."

I've heard similar from lots of women and it just horrifies me.

2136. vonKreedon - 7/16/2023 4:44:56 PM

Wow, to a daughter!

2137. Ms. No - 7/17/2023 1:41:10 AM

Right? But imagine anyone saying to a person whose house was broken into "Well, what did you expect living in such a fancy place? You ought to know better than to show off your good life."

I'm sick of people arguing that we need to be tough or make our kids tough. Why don't we just make them kind and then they don't need to be so tough?

2138. thoughtful - 7/19/2023 11:28:07 AM

Unfortunately, I think kids need to learn to be both tough and kind. But victim blaming isn't being tough and it certainly isn't supportive. I hope that poor gal gets the help and support she needs.

2139. Ms. No - 7/26/2023 9:25:08 PM

In other news, the university called yesterday to offer me a place in the upcoming EdD cohort, but in the last 10 days I had decided that I want to pursue other opportunities.

It was bizarrely serendipitous -- I had just that morning been telling a friend over breakfast that I felt I'd dodged a bullet by being waitlisted. Recent conversations with friends and colleagues had really changed my mind about how I want to spend the next 5 years, and getting terminal degree is no longer on my list. Not 30 minutes after I got home the call comes in from the school.

I feel like the universe was looking out for me!

2140. vonKreedon - 7/29/2023 3:39:59 PM

Congrats on the serendipity. So, what do you want to do when you grow up?

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