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Host: Ms. No

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2146. arkymalarky - 1/13/2024 2:02:52 AM

Oh that sounds cool! I have to keep reminding myself that the kids don't know me. I taught their parents, And the last group I taught graduated last year. I know the people I work with, but I'm new to the kids and talking like I've been there forever. Glad I'm doing it but won't go back. The principal already asked me if I was coming back next year and I'm like, no! It's not all about money, but by the time you work over the amount Social security allows and driving back-and-forth and everything that goes with a job, It's not financially worth it to work full-time. Nor would it be to stop social security and pick it back up later.

2147. arkymalarky - 1/13/2024 2:05:51 AM

I see I said Most of that already but is true.

2148. vonKreedon - 1/13/2024 4:30:09 PM

How much can you make before it impacts your SS?

2149. arkymalarky - 1/14/2024 9:41:09 AM

Less than I thought unfortunately, $22,400. Agreed to take the job before I knew the amount. I'm not too much over Since it's only part of the year and I'm done the last day of school instead of doing summer inservice and all that, but They are gonna dock me two months is what they said.

2150. Ms. No - 1/17/2024 1:44:17 AM

So, not exactly good news, but certainly useful information that helps me make decisions.

My retirement benefits will only be enough to ensure that I can't collect the Social Security I paid into for 20+ years without paying an insupportable penalty. Nor will they be enough to live on if that had been my plan (it wasn't since I started teaching so late, but I still had hoped it would be better than what I was told last week.)

So, the useful news means that it doesn't make sense for me to stay in the classroom past when I want to leave. It won't increase my retirement much at all. So I can go ahead and start my transition plans and probably be out of the classroom within 3 or fewer years rather than 5 or more.

The next move is to get into the eligibility pool at the CA Dept. of Ed. and end up there for a couple of years as I build up my skills in Instructional Design, then do ID contract work and figure out if I can make enough to do nothing but that.

All stuff that I'm interested in without the stress and time-commitment of teaching. I can't even imagine going back to a job where I only work the hours I'm contracted for. Mind-boggling freedom and reclamation of my life and time!

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