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8054. iiibbb - 9/26/2014 9:38:26 PM

The big one bends.

It's not just iPhone worship... but I likes me a cool phone.

However, the worship comes from the integration. 9 times out of 10 things just work (or at least set up) a little easier with an Apple.

That being said, I don't think I'd ever spend money on it. I prefer Android.

8055. iiibbb - 9/26/2014 9:39:43 PM

Why people are surprised that a 5-6 inch flat piece of aluminum might bend if you put it in your pocket next to your strongest body muscle... or trying to have it support your body weight....

People really are kind-of dumb.

8056. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 12:55:07 AM

Too funny Judith!

I agree, 3i. I have a moto x and it's the best phone I ever had. it is voice activated, has a very safe and effective drive mode, is physically great and pretty and has been very dependable. it's my everything device. best since my first blackberry. wit a rural life, people to keep up with, a job to keep up with and ninety minutes on the road every work day, the iPhone just didn't cut it. I tried to love it. I just couldn't.

but I just told Stan forget it. he's getting on my last nerve. he can keep his pos 4s.

8058. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 12:55:31 AM

Too funny Judith!

I agree, 3i. I have a moto x and it's the best phone I ever had. it is voice activated, has a very safe and effective drive mode, is physically great and pretty and has been very dependable. it's my everything device. best since my first blackberry. wit a rural life, people to keep up with, a job to keep up with and ninety minutes on the road every work day, the iPhone just didn't cut it. I tried to love it. I just couldn't.

but I just told Stan forget it. he's getting on my last nerve. he can keep his pos 4s.

8059. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 3:00:00 AM

Well never mind. I did it. Navy blue leather back, metallic dark gray accents with name engraved, gorgeous. I will have major phone envy. https://www.motorola.com/us/motomaker?pid=FLEXR2

8061. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 3:00:16 AM

Well never mind. I did it. Navy blue leather back, metallic dark gray accents with name engraved, gorgeous. I will have major phone envy. https://www.motorola.com/us/motomaker?pid=FLEXR2

8062. iiibbb - 9/27/2014 12:19:02 PM

The motox is tempting because I think you don't have to wait for them to release new versions of android? It this true.

I've been eying the HTC one, but am willing to give a long look at motox

8063. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 4:09:27 PM

yes it is.

try the motomaker. I loved picking my design. I played around with it for days before I bought mine. and if you go to a store and hold it, the curved back is great. there are also neat accessories too like a turbo charger and a keychain charging pack. the x gen2 is really nice. I may turn into supergeek and get the watch and earpiece eventually.

the thing that made me so mad at Stan last night was that his was designed and ready to go and I guess deciding what email to attach it to was one choice too many and he couldn't decide. that's why he's always been an iPhone person. he doesn't like deciding. ;>

8065. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 4:09:45 PM

yes it is.

try the motomaker. I loved picking my design. I played around with it for days before I bought mine. and if you go to a store and hold it, the curved back is great. there are also neat accessories too like a turbo charger and a keychain charging pack. the x gen2 is really nice. I may turn into supergeek and get the watch and earpiece eventually.

the thing that made me so mad at Stan last night was that his was designed and ready to go and I guess deciding what email to attach it to was one choice too many and he couldn't decide. that's why he's always been an iPhone person. he doesn't like deciding. ;>

8066. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 4:10:38 PM

sorry about all the doubles. been getting a weird error message when I post.

8067. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 4:27:06 PM

the very greatest thing if you have kids is voice activation and control and drive mode. I never have to touch the phone to listen to music, take calls, get directions, or even send texts.

8069. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 4:27:20 PM

the very greatest thing if you have kids is voice activation and control and drive mode. I never have to touch the phone to listen to music, take calls, get directions, or even send texts.

8070. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 4:28:29 PM

most stuff I post here is voice to text

8071. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 4:28:31 PM

most stuff I post here is voice to text

8072. iiibbb - 9/30/2014 3:36:38 PM

"Some there are who are nothing else than a passage for food and augmentors of excrement and fillers of privies, because through them no other things in the world, nor any good effects are produced, since nothing but full privies results from them."

-Leonardo DaVinci

I hope he's not talking about me.

8073. judithathome - 9/30/2014 7:53:56 PM

On the contrary, I think he's talking about politicians.

8074. alIstaIrcOnnOr - 10/7/2014 11:59:09 AM

Ah. I finally changed phones this summer. I don't like being on the bleeding edge, and I'm not a heavy consumer of either phone or data; but it's been very nice having a proper computer in my pocket.

My main criteria being :
1) I'm cheap,
2) I want something robust that will still work 2 years from now,
3) I don't want a big phone
4) I'm cheap,

I ended up with a Moto G. That's the X's little brother, targeted at developing countries (it's number one in Brazil, apparently). I waited until they had a 4G version, and jumped on it. Very happy with it.

8075. arkymalarky - 10/7/2014 5:54:19 PM

Ooohh, good choice. Mine is my home office and my internet and my source of most information and social connection, my computer--in short, everything--so I need one that's very sturdy and very fast. I love my moto x and Stan loves his, and I'm hoping these will last us a long time. I truly don't know how rural people got by before cell phones. Commuting alone makes it almost indispensable, and keeping up with Mose and where she was on the road was huge when she was home and driving.

8076. arkymalarky - 10/7/2014 5:54:56 PM

And just not being tethered to a laptop or a PC is very convenient.

8077. arkymalarky - 10/22/2014 3:06:09 AM

got the moto 360 last weekend. great for work. also added two great free apps: news republic, I think i like better than ap, and slacker, which I had years ago on my blackberry. so far I like it better than Pandora.

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