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8074. alIstaIrcOnnOr - 10/7/2014 11:59:09 AM

Ah. I finally changed phones this summer. I don't like being on the bleeding edge, and I'm not a heavy consumer of either phone or data; but it's been very nice having a proper computer in my pocket.

My main criteria being :
1) I'm cheap,
2) I want something robust that will still work 2 years from now,
3) I don't want a big phone
4) I'm cheap,

I ended up with a Moto G. That's the X's little brother, targeted at developing countries (it's number one in Brazil, apparently). I waited until they had a 4G version, and jumped on it. Very happy with it.

8075. arkymalarky - 10/7/2014 5:54:19 PM

Ooohh, good choice. Mine is my home office and my internet and my source of most information and social connection, my computer--in short, everything--so I need one that's very sturdy and very fast. I love my moto x and Stan loves his, and I'm hoping these will last us a long time. I truly don't know how rural people got by before cell phones. Commuting alone makes it almost indispensable, and keeping up with Mose and where she was on the road was huge when she was home and driving.

8076. arkymalarky - 10/7/2014 5:54:56 PM

And just not being tethered to a laptop or a PC is very convenient.

8077. arkymalarky - 10/22/2014 3:06:09 AM

got the moto 360 last weekend. great for work. also added two great free apps: news republic, I think i like better than ap, and slacker, which I had years ago on my blackberry. so far I like it better than Pandora.

8079. arkymalarky - 11/8/2014 9:46:47 PM

Honor Aaron Swartz day today. Watch Pivot.

8080. judithathome - 11/9/2014 8:36:02 PM

Do you mean Pivot TV? Because the only thing on here on Pivot TV is
b Farscape.
All day long...

Don't know who Aaron Swartz is...or was...but the word "hacktivist" sounds pretty cool until someone who has just stolen your credit card number claims they are one and that they hacked you bank account for your own and society's good.

8081. judithathome - 11/9/2014 8:37:04 PM

Sorry...forgot where I was...that's Farscape...

No shortcuts here!

8082. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 8:57:39 PM

No no no. You need to look him up. He's a lot of what's made the internet so egalitarian, and what happened to him was criminal. It should scare everyone about what our government is becoming.

8083. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 8:58:48 PM


8084. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 8:59:55 PM

He also had a hand getting Elizabeth Warren elected.

8085. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 9:02:29 PM

Hacktivist are not common hackers, and they and had a role in Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring, & a whole lot of other activities that most people don't bother to get involved in but which are very important to preserving what freedoms we have.

8086. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 9:11:21 PM


8088. judithathome - 11/9/2014 10:07:36 PM

I think I immediately bristled at the mention of Pivot TV...that used to be my favorite channel...until it became Pivot. Previously, it ran all sorts of interesting documentaries and interviews with people in the arts.

Then it went "younger" and left all the previous programming behind and completely lost me as a viewer. (Can't even recall what the channel was called previously...)

But I'll read up on him...sad that he died so young.

8089. judithathome - 11/9/2014 10:09:50 PM

Heh...looked up "Pivot TV" and the channel it took over was: The Documentary Channel. (eyeroll....)

8090. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 10:52:47 PM

I don't watch it regularly, but they show good progressive movies and documentaries. very left-leaning, but Megan McCain is on it. I have been an Aaron Swartz fan since his suicide. that's when I first heard of him. there's a major war over information, privacy, free speech, free access that will affect us all and imo he did more than any one individual to shed light on it.

8091. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 10:59:14 PM

JSTOR calls itself a non-profit, but I have a real problem with the capitalization of academic information that we all pay our taxes to support. I looked into getting a license for delight several many years ago, and found that it would be thousands and thousands of dollars. Not right. That information should be available to everybody. He also focuses on the fact that we have to pay to get information about laws and court cases and other information that should be free. I never thought about it until Swartz died, because I always had access to it, but if you don't have a connection to an institution that pays for that service you don't get it. I don't like the proprietary nature of a lot of people and companies on the internet, and I find it interesting that people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates got their start as thieves of what other people were creating, and they became so protective of their own stuff that they are the buzzards of tech. Zuckerberg is the same.

8092. judithathome - 11/10/2014 12:18:28 AM

Well, I certainly don't know much about what you're citing but I trust your opinions on this sort of thing because I know how much you invested in the educational things for your state and all the time and "passion" you spent involved with that project...and I know for a fact that I detest Zuckerberg and how he is profiting off everyone using Facebook.

8093. judithathome - 11/10/2014 12:20:35 AM

I'll check Pivot out and try to overcome my bias that they took away my "documentary" outlet...I would rather watch documentaries than the crap Hollywood churns out as "movies" these days.

8094. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 12:33:21 AM

it's like Michael Moore movies. I always look at the schedule.

8095. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 12:40:14 AM

we benefitted hugely from our access to internet tools. and rural people benefit in ways they will feel if certain changes occur. but that's okay at least things are moving forward in Rwanda: allafrica.com/stories/201411031835.html/

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