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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21739 - 21758 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21739. judithathome - 5/7/2007 6:48:48 PM

Watch this!! It's hysterical...and the kid does a fabulous job...I see great things in his future.

Bush On Global Warming

21740. wonkers2 - 5/7/2007 8:23:52 PM

That one cracked me up! He belongs on SNL!

21741. poipual - 5/7/2007 8:32:05 PM

Yeah, It's funny-alittle bit.

21742. Magoseph - 5/7/2007 10:31:33 PM

Do you still have a boat, Al?

21743. Magoseph - 5/7/2007 10:50:08 PM

Al, is Chef Paul's the restaurant you like?

21744. poipual - 5/8/2007 12:04:42 AM

Yes to both. Would you like a boat?

21745. poipual - 5/8/2007 12:07:03 AM

At least I'm pretty sure that's the one. I'm lighting candles praying you want a boat.

21746. wabbit - 5/8/2007 12:26:50 AM

Message # 21739 That kid belongs on American Idol, his lip-syncing skills are right up there with Brittney Spears.

21747. Magoseph - 5/8/2007 11:47:57 AM

Al, are we talking about the same boat we discussed at length eight years ago or so?

21748. wonkers2 - 5/8/2007 3:39:29 PM

Am I correct in assuming that poipual is our Hawaiian stalwart AlDavis? Welcome back Al. We've missed you.

21749. Magoseph - 5/8/2007 4:05:34 PM

Yes, dear, you're correct.

21750. poipual - 5/8/2007 9:24:05 PM

At least I'm pretty sure that's the one. I'm lighting candles praying you want a boat.

21751. wonkers2 - 5/9/2007 12:07:16 AM

Thanks, wabbit. I'd only sent the kid to a half-dozen friends. It was pretty clever, anyway, I guess.

21752. judithathome - 5/9/2007 12:14:27 AM

I look on the kid's YouTube bit as an impression of Will Farrell's impersonation of Bush. Doesn't detract from it at all because the kid was very, very good at lip-syncing and at portraying the squinty-eyed look and general stupidity of both Farrell doing the impersonation AND of Bush as he really is...

21753. poipual - 5/9/2007 4:56:44 PM

I take it you don't want my boat. My day is ruined.

I figue Bush is smarter than me (if Evie saw this she would scold me so don't bother. "I" just sounds so silly) and I put myself a little lower than average. That's why I have such a hard time on the Mote where the average I.Q. is somewhere around 150, I reckon. And concerned and I surely bring it down some.

21754. poipual - 5/9/2007 4:58:42 PM

Gosh, should I re-think having lunch with arky? She may lose it having to deal with one so beneath her wit.

21755. poipual - 5/9/2007 5:00:33 PM

Thanks for remembering me.

21756. alistairconnor - 5/9/2007 5:03:35 PM

What sort of boat are you giving away, Al? Do you deliver, or would I have to take delivery in Hawai'i?

21757. alistairconnor - 5/9/2007 5:04:26 PM

Al, you and GWB are both past masters in the art of acting dumb. You can get away with so much more that way.

21758. poipual - 5/9/2007 5:20:03 PM

I deserve an Oscar, because I've convinced almost everyone I know. Surely I must have confused you somehow. Can you get yourself to Ilwaco, Wa.? Snodgrass named me Doctor of confusology. I was so honored, since the highest I got was a B.A. You know, "those who can't do teach, while those who can do." Maybe that's just too much do-do.

I spent hours musing over the statement, "You don't know what you don't know." I finaly came to the conclusion I must be very profound.

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