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25097. uzmakk - 2/25/2009 4:23:03 PM

Hello All,

I suppose the Cafe is the best place to start, even though it is early in the morning. My old habit was to quit work a bit early, mix a drink and enter the saloon. That was fun.

First, as some of you may recall, I have been on a local forum associated with a talk-radio station(wilknewsradio.com). You can listen on line if you'd like. Don't worry Moties, though the station carries Rush they also carry a huge amount of local talk with an Air America bent. My preference is for Rush.

While the forum was running -- it has been taken away from us -- I had a thread dealing with the quarrycourtcase with which I have been involved for over ten years. On this thread I nicknamed Judge Ciavarella The Shiv, and gave a running account of his court. Wonder of wonders, he, the county's President Judge, and former President Judge, Michael Conahan, are both going to prison for 7 years. I claim no direct responsiblity for this wonderful turn of events; I was simply and unknowingly riding a wave centered around sentencing the juveniles to detention without legal representation, against the suggestions of parole officers, without deliberation, etc. These two judges had a financial interest in the detention center. You may have heard of this corruption case; it has made national news. 20/20 is coming to town next week, etc., etc., etc.

Back to my case. We have essentially won. However, the case is being appealed to the PA Supreme Court. It is unlikely that they will take it, because it does not deal with constitutional issues or fit any other criteria generally of interest to Supremes. Also, the PA Supreme Court is being watched because of the corruption investigation by the FBI. If they take the case, our ears go up, we start to worry and we move into action.

I want to tell you about my forum/talk-radio experiences next, but for now, adios. Gotta make hay while the sun shines.

25098. RickNelson - 2/25/2009 5:43:58 PM

Awsome Uzmakk!! I've read of those judges and am very glad their going to prison. Justice for their injustice.

Those children need other help, and that's the other story I'm waiting to read about. If you other links to that side, please advise.

25099. uzmakk - 2/25/2009 5:49:35 PM

...riding a wave centered around the sentencing of juveniles...

Mago, should I continue on Mote Matters even though I am a saloon kinda guy? Like I said, I would like to talk about fora.(nyuk) You tell me.

Nelson, I haven't been on Fray Poetry. Nice to 'see' you.

25100. wabbit - 2/25/2009 5:56:06 PM

Uzmakk and RickN, how nice to see you both!

25101. RickNelson - 2/25/2009 6:02:02 PM

It's morning coffee time for me, and I'm nursing pain in my rear and today in my back. I'm not bothered much with the pain, but it's very inconvenient.

I really am glad to read here right now. It's like a home town, where I hope to see friends, chat, sit on a park bench and relax under the shade of an oak tree, with the sun shining on the playing children. One of those would likely be my 4 1/2 year old.

25102. arkymalarky - 2/25/2009 6:38:07 PM

Hay? Cool!

I agree about Mika. I think she's really lame and Scarborough's style doesn't help.

25103. Jenerator - 2/25/2009 8:51:24 PM

Uzzie and Rick! Two of my favorite posters! So glad to see both of you.

25104. Jenerator - 2/25/2009 8:51:44 PM


That has to be a good feeling! Enjoy it!

25105. RickNelson - 2/25/2009 8:53:40 PM

Hiya arky. Glad to check in and see what's up.

The family is good, so far were hanging in there, but worry does sit in a to comfy chair in our house. My being a contractor now is just plain bad. I'm not going to do well as self-employed right now. I've been looking, and once had a chance, so if we can hold our own for a bit, maybe I can find something to put worry back in a box, and store it in the crawl space.

How're things in your neck of the woods. Hubby's health all right, kids too?

25106. RickNelson - 2/25/2009 8:54:59 PM


Back atyuh. How're yuh doing? Family building?

25107. Jenerator - 2/25/2009 8:57:47 PM

Hey Rick. I will know more about the family situation after tomorrow (long story for another day).


Maybe you should move to Texas. They're still building out here.

25108. arkymalarky - 2/26/2009 2:21:12 AM

Hmm. Hope it turns out well, whatever it is, Jen!

Rick, we're doing well. Mose is in her second year of teaching and we have two exchange students this year. Things are just ricking along. Four and a half! I can't believe it!

25109. arkymalarky - 2/26/2009 2:21:55 AM

How's your older daughter, btw?

25110. RickNelson - 2/26/2009 2:39:34 AM

Our older is doing Ok, but had to postpone finishing her education. Ma and Pa have had to cut back, and she dropped 2 credits below minimum, and the Univ. Of Minn. dropped her off the map. That's what she tells me, and I wonder.

I would have fought for a probation of some kind, and she isn't of a mind to. At 24 I tend to let things role as she roles. She's got a good job, with Ok pay for her age and no degree yet. I wish she had fought for it, but when she's ready she'll go back. That was about a year ago now. Some of her friends are in NY or Seattle, so she feels the pressure to do her own thing. With that caveat that they've graduated and she hasn't.

I wish we had that money, but it's far beyond us at this particular time. Oh well.

I'm glad we all get to have life lessons.

I'm happy to read your with exchange students. That's such a cool program. Are they High School or College? Either is awsome. My neighbor had one on and off for a lot of years.

We're all older, and her 3 of hers are moving in and out and one still in High School. My daughter grew up with her daughter (who was one year behind). That was great, I hope the kids across the alley from us will get to know Jacob. We're still just "hey how are yuh" neighbors, but there's time.

I love being in one place a long time.

25111. arkymalarky - 2/26/2009 4:06:02 AM

I do too.

Our students are HS, a girl from Korea and one from Thailand. It's a nixed bag, like everything. They're great, but we don't have the time, money, energy or location to keep them entertained. They do great together, tho.

25112. magoseph - 2/26/2009 1:58:09 PM

Mago, should I continue on Mote Matters even though I am a saloon kinda guy?

No, not on Mote Matters, please Uz--here is just fine. Thatis where we usually talk about our lives.

25113. alistairconnor - 2/26/2009 4:48:29 PM

I talk about my lives all over the place.
I'm not suggesting my example is a good one to follow.

25114. uzmakk - 2/27/2009 4:25:37 PM

Hi again to all you friendly folks,

I hope to post a fair amount, but I am short on time for a while. I sent the following to the radio station this morning.


Conahan's bimonthly meetings make the unsubstantiated sighting of Ciavarella, Burke/LaRock and Falvello ever more plausible. The meeting is unsubstantiated because the witness absolutely didn't want to be identified.

Heard a piece on NPR at the beginning of the month in which a state school board somewhere didn't want some dude applying 'critical thinking' to the theory of evolution. I think there may be a lesson here for certain self-righteous types. Don't you think so? -- I think I think critically, therefore, what I think is correct. I am as much of an evolutionist as you are; What I do not do is make all sorts of unjustified inferences like your little morning friend.

I love this one and have likely posted it somewhere, but here goes again:

'Had she thought for just a moment, she might have behaved differently,
But thinking is so difficult and a moment is such a long time.'

I have no idea what this is from, but it's good isn't it?

Yours in humble amusement,

Jimmy J., Kicking Kev's ass from here to Tuscaloosa with a southern accent.

The allegation is that Conahan met bimonthly over a period of years with a mobster to discuss court cases.

25115. alistairconnor - 2/27/2009 4:56:56 PM

Now that the principal guilty parties are in jail (if I've got that right), perhaps the time is right to write the fictionalised version?

25116. uzmakk - 2/27/2009 5:25:25 PM

It seems that way, Conner, but the investigation is expanding and who knows what will turn up.

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