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3046. wabbit - 8/11/2006 3:02:12 AM

Ace is getting himself all kinds of publicity these days.

3047. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 8/11/2006 6:17:18 AM

Thanks wabb. Was that Ace in the insert screen? He's a child!

3048. Macnas - 8/11/2006 8:36:05 AM

Go Ace! and get a haircut while you're at it, you fecking hippy.

3049. wonkers2 - 8/11/2006 2:16:44 PM

I wonder if Ace remembers where he got his start?

3050. Wombat - 10/3/2006 8:37:06 PM

A propos of Acey:

He just went off like Big Bertha on Bill Frist's suggestion that Taliban be readmitted to the Afghan polity. The comments are particularly enlightening. It must be nice to have a blog where you are the most intelligent person posting (not necessarily by much). Acey can still string together a colorful stream of invective.

3051. arkymalarky - 10/3/2006 11:19:11 PM

I'm just too out of the loop I guess. I haven't seen it yet.

3052. judithathome - 10/4/2006 12:07:52 AM

Don't feel lonesome...I couldn't take it for long when he wrote here and I'm certainly not going to go seeking it out now that his hair has grown big enough for his head.

3053. iiibbb - 10/4/2006 3:22:43 AM

Ace has it wrong. A 'revenge' vote against republicans doesn't hurt us. I throws out the bums who came up with such wonders as the patriot act and raising the debt.

The fact they were in complete control gives them even less of an excuse.

3054. iiibbb - 10/4/2006 3:23:14 AM

He is right that the Dems might use their newfound power just as irresponsibly.

3055. arkymalarky - 10/4/2006 6:56:28 AM

I'm just not figuring out where everyone's reading it.

I'll respond to the political aspect in the politics thread.

Thanks for the info.

3056. alistairConnor - 10/4/2006 9:58:14 AM

ace.mu.nu is his little kingdom.
He's generally quite entertaining to read, but as Wombat notes, the level of the comments is a real eye-opener as to the sort of people who share his opinions.

3057. OhioSTOPAS - 10/4/2006 12:35:13 PM

Ah, good old Ace, in a lather because some devious biasedliburralmedia employee made a phony picture of a smoky Beirut in ruins out of . . . a photo of a slighly LESS smoky Beirut in ruins.

Ace is making a name for himself in the blogosphere, managing to get noticed in a sea of intellectually dishonest right-wingers on the web. Here is TBogg: noting a recent Ace idiocy. That's our boy!

On another occasion TBogg addressed a post by Ace and, exasperated, wrote "Is this guy ever right??"

TBogg (as anyone from the Mote can tell him), you have no idea.

3058. arkymalarky - 10/4/2006 2:37:31 PM

Haha! I'm going to have to use my reading glasses to compute on this smaller computer. I thought it was .ru and I kept thinking I didn't know he'd abdicated.

3059. alistairconnor - 10/5/2006 11:10:37 AM

.ru is the Russian internet domain : home for spammers, hackers and child porn. .nu is Nauru : a rock in the Pacific that used to live off guano exports, but now there is no birdshit left and their only remaining income comes from postage stamps and selling domain names to the likes of Ace.

3060. robertjayb - 10/5/2006 4:45:28 PM

Pretty much the same business, eh?

3061. Wombat - 10/5/2006 4:54:32 PM

Acey will certainly contribute political guano.

3062. jexster - 10/5/2006 10:17:33 PM

Don't miss Ace in Agony! Now in AP. Larry Johnson in Shock and Awe...

Give the boy credit guys - cut some slack - feel his pain...by Georgie he's almost got it

Yesterday, I was shocked to see many conservative bloggers abandoning the GOP..Ace at Ace of Spades HQ wrote, "That's it for me. Goodbye GOP. Perhaps we should make peace with Zawahiri as well? Let's negotiate, and see what terms we can get as good dhimmis. The hell with the lot of them." (By the way, Frist has somewhat backed off his remarks.)

3063. jexster - 10/5/2006 10:22:55 PM

He IS a fattie! Woman's intuition!

3064. PelleNilsson - 11/3/2006 7:12:20 PM

I'm not a host anymore. If I were I would delete jexster's #1815 in Inferno. That is going too far. Way too far.

3065. judithathome - 11/3/2006 7:29:57 PM

I agree.

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